Why Not Email Marketing

If you are currently participating in other types of internet marketing, but not email marketing, you should seriously consider why you avoid this type of advertising.  This is important because email marketing can be an essential part of an internet marketing campaign.  Many business owners avoid email marketing for fear of being accused of spamming.  Internet markets may not have a clear understanding of what spam is and are not, so they avoid participating in email marketing campaigns to avoid the possibility of being labeled a spammer.


  Why are internet marketers afraid of being accused of being pure of spam?  This is a common fear for several reasons.  First, there may be severe penalties associated with sending spam emails.  Recipients of spam can report spam to their Internet service provider, which will check the validity of the claim.  There may be harsh consequences if the originator of the email is determined to be a spammer.

  Internet marketers are also afraid of email marketing because they believe potential customers will not receive it well.  This is an important concept because Internet users are bombarded with spam each day.  Receiving this amount of spam every day can be frustrating and may offend some internet users.  These internet users are unlikely to be receptive to email marketing.  The fear that these potential customers will see email marketing and divert competitors prevents many internet marketers from taking advantage of this marketing strategy.


  However, it is important to note that many Internet users are quite receptive to email marketing despite the widespread problem of spam.  This is particularly true when they have specifically requested the business owner to obtain more information regarding their products and services.  Potential customers are particularly receptive to email marketing which provides some value to the email recipient.  Consumers can appreciate emails that include in-depth articles, useful suggestions, or product reviews.

  Additionally, items such as e-newsletters and correspondence courses via email may be of particular interest to potential customers.  E-newsletters are typically longer documents than traditional email marketing pieces and can provide additional information to the email recipient.  Email correspondence courses can be presented in short sections and usually receive significant amounts of information that email recipients greatly appreciate.


  A final way to prevent email recipients from seeing your email marketing efforts as spam is to send email recipients who register on your website and specifically request you to send additional information and promotional materials.  This option in the formula is ideal because it ensures that you are not wasting your email marketing efforts on recipients who are not interested in your products or services.  It also ensures recipients of email marketing campaigns do not see the informational and promotional content they are receiving as spam.  This technique is quite effective for compiling email distribution lists, but it is important to remember that you should always include information on how recipients can choose to receive future emails; www.Automatic-Responder.com is A great service to help.  This is important because email recipients are interested in receiving marketing emails once, but this can change over time.  If they are not interested in these emails, they may start seeing the email as spam if they are not given the option to be removed from the distribution list.

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