Why is yoga important for our body?

Yoga originates from the Sanskrit word, 'YUG'. It means to join, connect, or unite. It is the union of individual consciousness with universal consciousness. Yoga is a 5000-year-old Indian philosophy. It was first mentioned in the ancient sacred text – Rigveda


Yoga has been practiced in Indian society for thousands of years. A person doing yoga performs different activities, which are called Asanas. Yoga gives benefits to those who practice it regularly.


The exercises done in yoga are called Asanas which are capable of bringing stability to the body and mind. Yoga Asanas are the simplest way to reduce excess weight in our body and keep fit.


Yoga originated thousands of years ago in ancient India. Even before the birth of any religion or belief system in the first place. It is believed that Shiva is the first Yogi or Adiyogi and the first Guru. Thousands of years ago on the shores of Lake Kantisarokar in the Himalayas, Adiyogi shared his knowledge with the great seven sages because it was difficult to keep so much knowledge in one person. The sages spread this powerful yoga science to different parts of the world including Asia, North Africa, the Middle East, and South America. India is blessed to have the system of Yoga in its full expression.



The fossil remains of the Indus-Saraswati civilization are evidence of the presence of yoga in ancient India. This presence is mentioned in folk traditions. It is involved in the Indus Valley Civilization, Buddhist and Jain traditions. According to studies yoga was being practiced under the direct guidance of a guru and great importance was given to its spiritual value. The Sun was given supreme importance during the Vedic period and that is how Suryanamaskar was invented later.


Maharishi Patanjali is known as the father of modern yoga. However, he did not invent yoga as it was already in various forms. They assimilated it into the system. He observed that it was becoming too complex for anyone to understand in a meaningful way. So he assimilated and incorporated all the aspects in a definite format called Yoga Sutras.


The role of breath is very important in the practice of asanas or yoga positions. Breathing is a vital force at the basis of our functions and the oxygen transformation our body requires. If we exercise we need more oxygen so we breathe faster and if we rest we breathe lightly. In yoga, while doing asanas at a slow pace, complete attention has to be integrated into the breath. Yoga practice promotes relaxed breathing and exhalation.


Yoga is only partially understood due to it being limited to simple, but people do not realize the benefits of yoga in uniting body, mind, and breath. Yoga can be chosen and practiced by a person of any age group and any body shape. It is possible for anyone to start. Size and fitness level do not matter as there are modifications for each asana to suit different people in yoga.



Yoga asanas have always been an important discussion in yoga culture. In some yoga schools located abroad, yoga postures are classified as standing, sitting, lying on the back, and lying on the stomach but the actual and traditional classification of yoga includes karma yoga, jnana yoga, bhakti yoga, and kriya yoga. Including four main yogas.


This is also known as the 'discipline of work' in Western culture. It is one of the four important parts of yoga. It teaches one to engage in selfless activities and duties without worrying about the outcome. This is the main lesson that is taught to the Karma Yogi. It is for those who seek a spiritual path and want to meet with God. It can also be practiced in one's regular life by conducting one's duty in an honest manner without worrying about the outcome. This is the path of spiritual development. Actually, the action we do is action and its result is its reaction. A person's life is governed by his karmic cycle. If that person has good thoughts, good actions, and good thinking then he will live a happy life whereas if that person has bad thoughts, bad actions, and bad thinking then he will live an unhappy and difficult life. In today's world, it is very difficult to live such a selfless life. Because man starts worrying about the results before doing any work. These are the reasons why we are facing problems like high stress, mental illness, and depression. Karma Yoga gets rid of all materialistic paths and leads a happy and successful life.


It is also known as 'Wisdom Yoga'. It is a very difficult and complex path among all. It teaches a person to merge into the inner self by practicing various mental techniques by conducting meditation and self-questioning sessions from a deep inner mind. It teaches a person to distinguish between the permanent conscious and the temporary materialistic world. This path teaches to stabilize the mind and emotions by cultivating the 6 fundamental virtues – peace, control, sacrifice, tolerance, faith, and focus. To achieve the goal and do it in the best way it is advised to practice Gnana Yoga under the guidance of a competent Guru.

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