Why is a tomato red in colour? What happens if you eat raw tomatoes?

Why is a tomato red? What happens if you eat raw tomatoes?


Salad, sauce, curry, soup... The tomato will mix up in anything like this.

 Tomatoes are usually a wild card in the kitchen. It can be cooked in combination with any ingredient. It enhances the taste of any dish.

 Tomatoes were cheap until a few days ago. But now the prices of tomatoes have gone up.

 Tomato provides us with many health benefits.

 Why are tomatoes generally red?

 Can raw tomatoes also be eaten?

 Is tomato really good for health? Isn't it?


 How many varieties of tomatoes are there?

 Although we eat tomato as a vegetable, botanically it is a fruit.

 About 10,000 varieties of tomatoes are grown on earth.

 Their size, shape, and color are different, but tomatoes are mainly red.

 In an article recently published in 'The Conversation', Gemma, a professor of nutrition at Catalonia Open University, explained that tomatoes can serve as a good food for the body when it comes to nutritional calculations.

 "Vegetables get color due to polyphenols, carotenoids, etc. They cover the spectrum from yellow (lemon) to purple (vang tree). Tomatoes are mostly red because they mostly contain similar compounds. But the reason why some tomatoes are different in color is because they contain different compounds," says Nutrition professor Shiva.

 "These bioactive compounds have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect," Shiva said. They help to fight the harmful ones in your body.

Cardiovascular diseases

 Check for heart-related diseases.

 80 grams of tomato contains 5 percent of the potassium that a person needs per day.

 Eating potassium-rich foods reduces the risk of heart stroke. Coronary heart diseases (decreased blood supply to the heart) are less common.

 Tomatoes also contain a compound called lycopene.

 Several studies have shown that it has the ability to have an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect as well as reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (heart and blood vessel disease).


 What does raw tomato contain?

 According to a nutrition professor, if the tomato is crushed, the body gets beneficial lycopene.

 Tomatoes are crushed to make something like Spanish soup.

 Like other fruits and vegetables, tomatoes lose vitamins and minerals when exposed to high temperatures.

 However, various studies have shown that lycopene has a higher antioxidant capacity due to heat.

 It is also advisable to eat tomatoes cooked with olive oil. It helps in better absorption of beneficial compounds.

 According to BBC Good Food magazine, tomato peel contains carotenoid. So it's best not to remove it as much as possible.

 Many people eat raw tomatoes. Studies have shown that taking 80 grams of tomatoes will give the body 11 kilo calories, 0.4 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of fat, 2.4 grams of carbohydrates, 0.8 grams of fiber, 178 milligrams of potassium, 279 mcg of carotene and 18 milligrams of vitamin C.

Tomato recipe

 More benefits

 Tomato phytonutrients protect eye health. Age-related spots are protective against other eye diseases.

 Nutrition professor Shiva suggests that people suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are less at risk of eating tomatoes.

 As part of the healthy diet to be eaten during the day, 80 grams of tomato can be consumed in five types of fruits and vegetables recommended by the World Health Organization.

 80 grams of tomato is almost the equivalent of seven cherries. Shiva says that eating these are good for health.

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