Why Do Apple Slices Turn Brown? Top 4 Amazing Facts.

Here you can read Top 4 amazing facts that help to increase your intelligence.



Friends, you have often seen that if the apple is cut and left for some time, then the color of that sliced apple becomes brown. but do you know why this happens? if you don't know, then let me tell you.



After the apple is cut, a biochemical reaction takes place behind the brown color and this phenomenon is called enzymatic browning. actually, an apple contains enzymes called polyphenol oxidase which is usually found in many plant tissues.



when we cut an apple, its tissues come in contact with air and this enzyme oxidized and releases chemicals, when these chemicals react with the amino acids present in the apple, in addition to different varieties, the quantity of these enzymes is also different, so also remember that the not every varieties color changes the same color.




You must have inspected the railway stations many times if the engine of a train is standing on a platform or loco pilot does not turn off the engine of the train if it is to be changed. if the loco pilot wants, he can save the fuel-burning unnecessarily by shutting down the engine of the train, do you know why he does not do this?



There are many reasons behind this. the first thing is that it is not an easy task to start a diesel engine or train. this hug engine has 16 cylinders of 200-200Hp which are very large in size. so it is not easy to reach the ignition temperature necessary to start the engine.



In addition, a proper checklist is to be followed before starting the engine, which takes 15 to 20 minutes, also it is necessary to maintain pressure in the brake pipe which becomes quite efficient while waiting for the signal, due to all these reasons, the engine is not stopped at the station.





In India, whether you are in Delhi or Kolkata or from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, every time there is the same time. it is not that when it is 6 'o'clock .but do you know that Russia is the largest country in terms of area in the world, this is not the case in Russia, but there are 11 different time zones in Russia.



which were decided in 1992 after the breakup of the soviet union means that there is not a single time in Russia all the time, that means a difference of 10 hours between two cities in the same country is also possible for example when it is 10 'o'clock in the morning in Moscow, the capital of Russia, and the same time, Kamchatsky town on the east coast of Russia is 7 'o'clock in the evening.



In addition to this France is also a very dispersed country, Many of its islands are spread in different parts of the world, due to which there are 12 time zones in this country, which is the highest by any country in the world.




Rolls-Royce is not just a car, this is a statement and you should not consider the drivers driving it as a common car driver. you might be surprised to know that Rolls-Royce rich customers around the world also send their drivers for special drivers training in Rolls-Royce.



This company also conducts a driver training program to train such drivers, which is known as the white glove program. now obviously would like the best possible comfort on the owner's road of this car, which this program helps them in getting, launched in 2013.



This program trains the drivers of this ultra-luxury vehicle driving training packages, drivers learn about dressing, grooming, servicing, and car handling in this 3-day program.


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