Why Dental Implant So Prevalent

Dental implants are the best method to restore lost or missing teeth. It is the placement of permanent and prosthetic teeth that look like and work like natural teeth. The implant procedure was invented to be painless and provide a permanent smile for a lifetime. You have an experienced team of specialists to get treatment for dental implants in Chula Vista; the procedure is one of the most secure and most successful in dental practices. 

Let's explore more different types of dental implants and the reasons why dental implants are so popular.

Different types of dental implants : 


In ordinary cases, the dental implants are embedded with jaw bone. Conventional dental implants can be bridge, single, or full-arch.

Single implant: An individual implant can be placed to replace one tooth, such as a missing molar or anterior tooth. After the implant, the healing period is needed before a final crown is fitted on the top. 

Bridge: A bridge fixes a crown over the area of missing teeth. Implants or healthy teeth can support a bridge.

 Entire arch: In many cases, a patient must select the set of lower or upper teeth substituted with this is known as a Full arch. 

 Zygomatic implants: In case of severe bone loss, zygomatic implants are embedded into the cheekbone. These are different from the conventional implants in the embedding method and height of the implant. This procedure is used to substitute the teeth in the upper jaw side. 

Reasons why dental implants are so popular:

Realistic look and comfy fit: Dental implants are developed to feel, look, and look like natural teeth. Implants assure patients to smile, eat, and participate in social activities without thinking about their appearance. 

 High success rate: Well-planned and cared dental for the dental implant generally offers a success rate better than the other tooth restorative methods. People in better health have a higher chance of successful dental implants. 

 Long-lasting and trustworthy: With appropriate care and maintenance, the implants last as long as traditional restoration on teeth with predictable outcomes. 

 Improved ability to chew and eat: These are anchored in your jaw bone like natural teeth; they will help to preserve the jaw bone and reduce bone absorption. Placing teeth with implants allows a better ability to chew and eat food.  

 Enhance facial structure: Dental implants maintain biological tooth tissue by evading the need to cut down neighboring teeth for traditional bridgework. They will also preserve bone. They will also restore your jaw structure because they reduce the load on the remaining structure and decrease bone deterioration that results in loss of jawbone height. 

In Conclusion, dental implants are the secure way to replace missing teeth. They may not be able to generate tooth decay. If you want implant treatment, talk to your dentist in Chula Vista about whether this treatment is right for you. With proper care and vigilance, the dentist ensures that your investment in dental implants will last many years. 

Looking for dental implant in Chula Vista? Explore our blog, "Why Dental Implants So Prevalent," to discover different types of dental implants and the basis for why dental implants are so prevalent. Read now!!

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