Why Couples Become Bored of Each Other

You people must all wonder where down the road of that mesmerizing and cheerful relationship where blood pumps more rapidly through the veins with each passing moment of a relationship. I know I created alot of curiosity for you so let's get to the point.

It's the forgotten care and attention and taking the other for granted mostly. You know in the start both partners are more sensitive of the opinion of the other but with the time that passes like wind, the insensitivity takes its place and people don't care the way they did back then.

At the start, the man runs to open the door of a car for her princess but after time he doesn't do that. But these little gestures are the things that keep the romance alive. 

Another thing is people's expectations of others get too high and you know the rule that expectations are inversely proportional to happiness and that is the main reason for most of the everyday fights. 

Little kisses, a pat of the back, hugging when tired is the small things that people forget and that is the main reason that causes that love to vanish somewhere along the road.

Sometimes i see people in their 70's and still holding each other. Why do they are like this? They don't have hormones as we young people do so that must not be the sexual tension between them. What is that I wonder, I asked them and the answer is a commitment

When you commit to someone that means despite all the bad things happening in your life, despite being your jobless, despite being your weak financial conditions, despite being the worst day that you can have, you don't get the right to open your head trash on then and make them feel like they are responsible for this. Your job is to respect each other despite being the worst scenario. Your love and commitment are the things that should be there when everything gets to pieces.

Sometimes I think that birthdays are not good things because people will treat their partner like king and queens on that day but on all other days they are not your king and queen. People use birthdays to as a way of doing and showing all the love in a single day so don't have to love in the remaining 364 days, that's why I never liked birthdays.

Birthday is supposed to be a happy event but I think there are many things we take for granted and that are too happy moment to cherish but we see them as something trivial. Having a good meal is happines too, wearing and gifting good clothes is happines too, good grades in a test is an event of happines too, the birth of your cat is a happy event too. There are a lot of happy moments going on in front of us that are beginning for being cherished but we need that one birthday to celebrate and be happy(irony).

We can be happy if we try a little. 

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