Why Bill Gates Famous Celebrity net worth

Why Bill Gates Celebrity net worth

Early life: 

Bill Gates was born in 1955 to a middle-class family in Seattle, a suburb of Washington. From an early age, he loved to operate a computer and learn about it. Computers were not as advanced as they are today, nor was the world of computers. At just 13 years old, they had learned the art of programming. Coincidentally, she befriended a guy who was also computer savvy. The friend's name was Paul Allen. 


Live conditions: 

The two friends were studying at Harvard University, but their love of computers forced them to drop out in the middle of their studies. His special project was to configure a special computer language to make the computer easier to operate. His hard work paid off 'and' he developed a special "basic language" that played a key role in popularizing computers. After this important achievement, Paul Allen and William Henry (Bill Gates) moved to Albuquerque (New Mexico). Here he introduced the new "Microsoft Corporation". Under this, he wanted to develop various computer software which was in great demand all over the world as the use of personal computers was increasing rapidly in the world. Hardware was widely available in the market, but the software was scarce. Due to its strong demand, the two friends made great strides in this field and eventually succeeded in creating software that went hand in all over the world. 



Bill Gates has 82  billion and is spending his wealth for the welfare of human beings through one of his charities. 


Since 1987, Gates has been included in the Forbes list of the world's wealthiest people. From 1995 to 2017, he held the Forbes title of the richest person in the world 


 As of December 2021, Gates had an estimated net worth of US$135 billion, making him the fourth-richest person in the world. 

 Later in his career and since leaving day-to-day operations at Microsoft in 2008, Gates has pursued many business and philanthropic endeavors. 

He is the founder and chairman of several companies, including BEN, Cascade Investment, bgC3, and Terra Power. He has given sizable amounts of money to various charitable organizations 


Through the foundation, he led an early 21st-century vaccination campaign which significantly contributed to the eradication of the wild poliovirus in Africa.  

In 2010, Gates and Warren Buffett founded The Giving Pledge, whereby they and other billionaires pledge to give at least half of their wealth to philanthropy.  

Allen did not have an Altair and had not written code for it; they merely wanted to gauge interest.  President Ed Roberts agreed to meet them for a demonstration, and over the course of a few weeks, they developed an Altair emulator that ran on a minicomputer, and then the BASIC interpreter. The demonstration was held at offices in Albuquerque, New Mexico; it was a success and resulted in a deal with the distribution of the interpreter as Altair BASIC. The first employee Gates and Allen hired was their high school collaborator They dropped the hyphen within a year and officially registered the trade name "Microsoft" with the Secretary of the State of New Mexico on November 26, 1976

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