which invention has had most negative impact on the world??

Which invention has had most negative impact on our world and why

The invention of the first mechanical clock was not very successful. This is because of its complex system, large amount of materials used in production, and complexity in production. Due to complicated process of making it, it had low production rate. However, some inventions made by Thomas and Henry have been of great help in manufacturing this kind of clock. It has become a standard for all world. In this paper, we will try to discover the most negative impact on our world and why. Thomas and Henry invented the first mechanical clock that is still found throughout the world. They invented a machine that could count without any human intervention or assistance.


Their discovery is an example of practical application as well as scientific breakthrough. This invention made significant contribution in the field of science. The invention of hand-cranks that were very simple and easy to use made their creation more accessible and less costly. One of the major inventions of the Thomas’ and Henry’s was that they created the original type of automatic clock. The development of mechanization and automation through the use of machines and robots led to an increment in productivity. As mentioned earlier, it reduced the production cost as there were no need to hire anyone else for doing what one wanted. In addition, most of the time work was easily performed than before (Thomas & Henry, 1802).

The impact of this invention

Despite the advantages of Thomas and Henry’s invention, the impact of this invention has been severe for many people around the world. For instance, its effect in the world economy has been very strong since by the year 1980, almost all developed countries around the world were forced to be involved in importing raw materials from Japan. This is because, apart from industrial workers getting paid extremely little compared to other sources of income, people who were employed in producing goods were having hard time paying back loans taken from banks due to high interest rates.

According to the United Nations, “The economic consequences of new technology, especially in terms of investment and trade of knowledge, have been profound and lasting” (Rudman et al., p. 726). Although there are many benefits associated with the invention of the invention of the first mechanical clock, its impact has been different between rich and poor countries of the world. If developed nations were not affected positively by this invention, developing countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan would have remained poor. People from these countries were deprived of education opportunities due to lack of knowledge that it would require before manufacturing and using this invention.

Despite all the impacts it took place during those times, it seems that after that, it made way for positive changes that occurred in history of people’s lives. Some of them were so beneficial, such as medical treatment that was used for curing many diseases that were incurable to people. Other inventions made in the past also came with positive impact in the current world. As described above, the inventions made by Thomas and Henry are the most known today. It has changed our world in many ways. However, despite all the contributions it brought, it seems that now only the rich and developed countries are benefiting much. We can only imagine how difficult it is for people from poorer countries to make the same good amount of money as their counterparts. 

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