which 10 Ways to Convince a Girl to Like You


1) Talk to her

Hey there, beautiful. I know you might be skeptical about me and what I'm trying to say, but please give me a chance. I just want you to know that it's not too late for us. Your mom might have told you that you have suitors lined up around the block, but this is the truth: none of them will make you as happy as me.


2) Spend time with her

Spending time with her is the best way to get her to like you. When you spend time with her, it creates an opportunity for conversation and lets you show her that you want to know more about her. Plus, if she gets too tired from all the walking and talking, she may just fall asleep on your shoulder. And who doesn't love a cuddle?


3) Be yourself

A lot of people want to change their personalities, behaviors, or interests in order to please the person they like. But that usually backfires and they end up turning off the person they're trying to impress. Instead, focus on being yourself and show them what you're all about. They'll appreciate your genuine personality and be more likely to like you for who you are.


4) Be patient

One of the best ways to convince a girl you're interested in her is by being patient and not rushing things. Girls are used to guys coming on too strong or pressuring them into something they're not ready for, so it's important for them (and us) to take things slow. The more she likes you, the more likely she'll be willing to invest time and energy into your relationship.


5) Be confident

Don't be afraid to let her know what you want. Be confident in your actions and don't hesitate when you're trying to convince her that she should like you. Girls are attracted to guys who are sure of themselves and have confidence in their actions, which is why it's important not only for the big things but also for the little things. Even something as small as opening a door or pulling out her chair can make all the difference.


6) Compliment her

Start by complimenting her. Tell her she is pretty, smart, or funny. Compliments are always nice and they don't have to be over the top. Find something that you genuinely like about her and let her know!


7) Listen to her

If you want her to feel like she can be herself, then you need to listen. If she tells you about something that happened at work, ask questions about it so she knows that you're interested in what she has to say. Tell her about what's been happening with your day and see if she has anything insightful or amusing from her own day. If not, ask her how her week has been and what's been on her mind lately.


8) Respect her

Respect her and show her that she's in control of the situation. Girls like feeling empowered, so if you respect them they'll be more likely to give you what you want.


9) Make her laugh

One of the best ways to convince any girl that you're worth getting to know is by making her laugh. If you make her laugh, she'll start looking at you in a different light and want to know more about you. Try these 10 funny things that will help make her like you.


10) Be there for her

Be there for her when she needs someone. Offer your shoulder to cry on and be there for her during her toughest moments. Being there for someone is more than just being physically present, but also emotionally present. Show her that you care about what she has to say by paying close attention and responding thoughtfully. Ask questions and try to see things from her perspective in order to better understand where she is coming from, this will show that you are interested in what she has to say.

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