Where Delhi - Manali - Leh bus service has started from 11 June?

Delhi - Manali - Leh bus service has started from 11th June

1026 km journey for only 1740 rupees

Delhi Manali Leh Ladakh bus service has started from 11th June and this time many changes have been made in it, if you want to travel then forget the old things and know this new information

•Now this bus from Delhi to Leh Ladakh will go via a new route and at a new time, from Delhi this bus will reach Leh Ladakh via Ambala, Chandigarh, Kiratpur Fourlane, Sundarnagar, Mandi, Kullu, Manali, Atal Tunnel, Keylong, Baralacha Pass, Tanglangla Pass, Lachung Darra!

•This bus will now depart from Delhi at 12:15 pm, from Chandigarh Sector 43 at 6:10 pm, will reach Sundarnagar at 10 pm, will reach Manali at 2 pm and will reach Keylong at 5 am, then after changing the bus and staff, it will depart for Leh at 5:30 am.

•The bus will no longer halt at Keylong overnight, it will depart from Delhi directly for Leh Ladakh, and will also stop in between for refreshments, food and to enjoy the natural views.

•The journey of 1026 km will be for only 1740 rupees, tourists are eagerly waiting for this service, and some people believe that this route is the longest bus route in Asia, but it is neither the longest route in Asia nor in India, there are longer bus routes in India than this, but the route run by any state transport has now become the longest bus route of HRTC, Avahdevi Hamirpur Ayodhya.

•This bus will pass through 2 union territories and 3 states and will cross 4 passes on the Manali-Leh route, a journey which will give you a different experience of life and the bus will pass through snowy valleys.

Overall, bus services play a crucial role in enhancing mobility, reducing traffic congestion, and promoting sustainable transportation options in urban and rural areas alike.

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