When you are down and out, how to get up and move forward?

When you are down and out, how to get up and move forward?

I am going to derive these four principles from two passages in the Bible, Psalm 42-43. En route, the psalmist is in a depression. He is seeking the depth of his soul in search of God. He talks about getting himself out of depression. I am going to take these teachings and apply them to the feelings of leaving because nothing is happening in your home-based MLM business opportunities, your online sales, your job, and so on. We all come down for one reason or another. The trick is not to give up, but to face adversity, get up and move on.

(1) The first principle to remember is to talk to yourself instead of letting yourself talk to you. In chapter 42: 5, the psalmist says, "Why are you, my soul?" Why bother me so much? "Have you tried everything you knew possible and saw others succeed, but doing the same thing is not working for you?" In the back of your mind, you start telling yourself that you will never succeed. When those thoughts start to cross your mind, you need to stop, take a deep breath, and say to yourself, "I'm going to succeed."

Think outside. Do not let your consciousness become superior to you. If you have a mentor, talk to them if you don't have a mentor, set up a small support group that will take you down, or when you take the inheritance. Remember this quote when living in the past, "Success comes in the box, not a failure."

(2) The second principle is to leave housing on things that are in the past and start housing on the present. In chapter 42: 4, the psalmist says, "I remember these things ..." He also says in chapter 42: 6, "My savior and my lord. My soul is within me; therefore, I shall send you from the land of Jordan. I will miss the heights of Mount Mizar from Harmon. "Plain said," What is done is done. "Worrying about things that didn't work for you. Things you can't change, don't kill yourself.

Just think of ways not to make the same mistakes. Do something new! Again, think outside the box. A famous quote from Ben Sweetland is "Success is a journey, not a destination." Keep you constantly current. And have to think about your journey to success.

(3) The third Principle, although there are many reasons to fail, there are many more reasons to succeed. The psalmist says in chapter 42: 5, "Put your hope in God, for I will still praise him." That means do not get caught up in negativity. You can fail at one of your goals, get up, dust yourself off, and try again. One should always focus on the big picture. Imagine yourself succeeding.

(4) And the ultimate principle is the confirmation of success, despite failure should be repeated again and again. Within Psalms 42 and 43, the psalmist said, "Why are you my soul?" three times. Three times he asks himself why he feels down. The psalmist is confirming that he has the blessings to be thankful. Positive thinking. Have you ever heard an expression to "do" something? That's all you have to do.

You have to imagine your success. You have to look at yourself in new homes, new cars, money in the bank, running a successful business, etc. And you do this, again and again, no matter after you succeed. "The path to success is tough," says Willie Davis. To be successful, you have to constantly tell yourself that you are going to succeed.

By reading the passage, you see a man degenerate and let down. He is questioning himself. But we see that he talks of getting himself out of depression. We also see him abandoning the past and concern himself with the present. Even though he has reasons to burden himself with failures, he expands on success. And last, and perhaps most important, he confirmed his faith several times.

When you come down, you need to do the same things. And another important point, you should only surround yourself with people who are positive and like-minded. You don't need any negativity in your life, which kills you. "Will" yourself to success.

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