When is the next full moon? We're in for a treat this June.

It's time for another full moon, and this one's special, not just because of its name.

June's full moon is called the Strawberry Moon. It falls the day after the 2024 summer solstice, the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Being so close to the solstice, the moon will appear bigger and might be colorful, though not strawberry red.


Here's why June's moon looks so big and is called the Strawberry Moon.

When will the full moon be in June 2024?
The Strawberry Moon will reach peak illumination at 9:08 p.m. on Friday, June 21, 2024. You'll see it appear full for three evenings, from Thursday night to early Sunday morning, says NASA.

What is the meaning of the Strawberry Moon, June's full moon?
Like other full moons, this one’s name comes from what's growing now, says the Old Farmer's Almanac. Late spring and early summer is when many berries are ready to harvest in the northeastern U.S., hence "strawberry."


The Algonquin tribes in the northeastern U.S., along with the Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota people, used the Strawberry Moon to mark the strawberry harvest.

When is the summer solstice 2024?
Thursday, June 20, is the summer solstice and the first official day of summer. This is the Northern Hemisphere's longest day of the year, according to the Farmer's Almanac.

What is the summer solstice?
The summer solstice is the first day of summer in June in the Northern Hemisphere.

This is when the Earth is at the point in its orbit where the North Pole is tilted most towards the Sun, says the Old Farmer's Almanac. It’s the longest day with the most sunlight and the shortest night of the year.

Why is the moon so big?
This close to the summer solstice means that the moon will appear larger. NASA predicts that Thursday will have the most sunshine, with 14 hours, 53 minutes, and 42.5 seconds of sunshine.


June's full moon will be the lowest full moon of 2024, according to NASA. This low position makes it look bigger, known as the "Moon Illusion."

Besides looking big, the moon will also look colorful.

"On the evening of June 21, just after sunset, look southeast to see the full moon rise above the horizon," advises the Old Farmer's Almanac. "It will look large and golden."

Best way to view the full moon:
This full moon should have clear but hot weather in the evening. For a special night, some Tennessee state parks offer full moon kayaking. Here's where:

Indian Mountain State Park, East TN, Lake Float
Henry Horton State Park, Middle TN, River Float
Reelfoot Lake State Park, West TN, Pontoon
Tour Several parks also offer full moon hikes. Check locations and times at tnstateparks.com.

What are the different full moons called? When will they be?
Each full moon has a name. In North America, we use Native American names for the full moons.

NASA claims that the Maine Farmers' Almanac began providing Native American names for full moons in the 1930s.

 Here’s when other full moons will be in 2024, according to NASA:

  • July 21, Buck Moon

  •  Aug. 19, Sturgeon Moon

  •  Sept. 17, Harvest Moon

  •  Oct. 17, Hunter's Moon

  •  Nov. 15, Beaver Moon

  •  Dec. 15, Cold Moon


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