When Family Beach Vacation Ideas

All across the world, there are several locations you can choose your family beach vacation. Below, you will find locations, and what they will offer you and your family. Maui Throughout the West Coast of Maui, you’ll have many choices for your beach vacation. If you plan to enjoy golf, the Resort is a great choice, as guests will receive 30% lower golf rates than those who don’t stay at the resort. The resort also includes the Bay Hotel, Villas, and the Ritz-Carlton. One bay over from the Bay is the Kai Beach Resort, which is a low rise family resort that offers comfortable condos. The Kai also offers complimentary programs for children ages 6 – 12 from end of August, during Easter and Christmas. The condos are seconds away from the beach, and they include kitchens as well as laundry facilities. If you prefer a more secluded area, the Maui Prince hotel is located in a quiet setting surrounded by two scenic golf courses and a large sandy beach that kids never seem to get enough of. Adventures The island of Molokai is filled with empty beaches, no traffic lights, and few tourists. Many tourists only for a day or so, with some going to the island because they assumed they were going to (which is a snorkeling site near Maui). The island of is accessible by ferry from Maui or by plane from Honolulu. The island is ideal for those who like the outdoors with a twist of adventure. When you visit here, you shouldn’t expect shopping or nightlife. Florida The Breakers Hotel in sunny Florida has a spa, golf course, and a 1/2 mile sandy beach. There is also a pool for the kids, a family entertainment center, and a kid’s program. Families while children under the age of 16 can stay for free in the same room as their parents. If you decide to take your beach vacation in Orlando, the Loews Hard Rock Hotel offers you plenty of beach and amusement rides, with a slide and a white sandy beach. California With several family beach vacation resorts in California, the Hotel Del Coronado is among the most famous. The hotel offers facilities for families, including lessons in kayaking, surfing, tennis, and biking. Georgia The barrier islands in Georgia offer ambiance, sandy beaches, and a laid back prospective to life as you know it. Jekyll Island offers you miles of paved bike path with three 18 hole golf courses, which is perfect for golf enthusiasts. All across the world, there are several locations you can your family beach vacation. Below, you will find locations, and what they will offer you and your family. Maui Throughout the West Coast of Maui, you’ll have many choices for your beach vacation. If you plan to enjoy golf, the Resort is a great choice, as guests will receive 30% lower golf rates than those who don’t stay at the resort. The resort also includes the  Bay Hotel, Villas, and the Ritz-Carlton. One bay over from the Bay is the Kai Beach Resort, which is a low rise family resort that offers comfortable condos. The Kai also offers complimentary programs for children ages 6 – 12 from end of August, during Easter and Christmas. The condos are seconds away from the beach, and they include kitchens as well as laundry facilities. If you prefer a more secluded area, the Maui Prince hotel is located in a quiet setting surrounded by two scenic golf courses and a large sandy beach that kids never seem to get enough of. The island of Molokai is filled with empty beaches, no traffic lights, and few tourists. Many tourists visit's only for a day or so, with some going to the island because they assumed they were going to (which is a snorkeling site near Maui). The island of is accessible by ferry from Maui or by plane from Honolulu. The island is ideal for those who like the outdoors with a twist of adventure. When you visit here, you shouldn’t expect shopping or nightlife. Florida The Breakers Hotel in sunny Florida has a spa, golf course, and a 1/2 mile sandy beach. There is also a pool for the kids, a family entertainment center, and a kid’s program. Families while children under the age of 16 can stay for free in the same room as their parents. If you decide to take your beach vacation in Orlando, the Loews Hard Rock Hotel offers you plenty of beach and amusement rides, with a slide and a white sandy beach. California With several family beach vacation resorts in California, the Hotel Del Coronado is among the most famous. The hotel offers facilities for families, including lessons in kayaking, surfing, tennis, and biking. Georgia The barrier islands in Georgia offer ambiance, sandy beaches, and a laid back prospective to life as you know it. Jekyll Island offers you miles of paved bike path with three 18 hole golf courses, which is perfect for golf enthusiasts.

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