What to Expect Before, During, and After Knee Replacement Surgery

If you're considering knee replacement surgery, it's essential to understand what to expect before, during, and after the procedure. At Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, we prioritize patient education and empowerment, ensuring you feel confident and informed every step of the way.

Before Knee Replacement Surgery

Consultation and Evaluation

Your journey begins with a consultation with our experienced orthopedic surgeons. During this visit, we'll assess your medical history, conduct a thorough physical examination, and may order additional tests such as X-rays or MRI scans to evaluate the extent of damage to your knee joint.

Preparing for Surgery

Prior to your surgery date, our team will provide detailed instructions on how to prepare. This may include lifestyle modifications, such as quitting smoking or adjusting medications, to optimize your health for surgery. Additionally, we'll discuss any necessary arrangements for transportation and post-operative care.

During Knee Replacement Surgery

Anesthesia and Incision

On the day of your surgery, you'll be administered either general anesthesia or a regional anesthetic, depending on your specific needs and preferences. Once you're comfortable and sedated, our skilled surgeons will make an incision over the knee to access the damaged joint.

Resurfacing the Joint

Using state-of-the-art surgical techniques, we'll carefully remove the damaged cartilage and bone from the knee joint. The next step involves positioning and affixing the prosthetic components to create a smooth, functioning surface, restoring mobility and relieving pain.

After Knee Replacement Surgery

Immediate Recovery

Following surgery, you'll spend time in the recovery room where our dedicated medical team will monitor your vital signs and manage any discomfort. Once you're fully awake and stable, you'll be transferred to a hospital room for further observation.

Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy

Rehabilitation plays a crucial role in your recovery process. Our physical therapists will work closely with you to develop a personalized rehabilitation plan aimed at restoring strength, flexibility, and range of motion in your knee. This may include exercises, stretches, and mobility drills tailored to your individual needs.

Long-Term Care and Follow-Up

After discharge from the hospital, you'll continue your recovery journey at home. Our team will provide detailed instructions on wound care, pain management, and activity restrictions to promote a smooth recovery. We'll schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and address any concerns along the way.


In conclusion, knee replacement surgery can be a life-changing procedure for individuals suffering from chronic knee pain and limited mobility. By understanding what to expect before, during, and after surgery, you can approach the process with confidence and peace of mind. At Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, we're committed to providing comprehensive care and support to help you achieve optimal outcomes and regain your quality of life. If you're considering knee replacement surgery, don't hesitate to reach out to our team for expert guidance and compassionate care.

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