What to eat and how much to eat to build your body?

What should we eat to build our body? Every gymgoer has a question in his mind, what should we eat that will help us build our body quickly?


And because of this people work hard in the gym. So in this article, we are going to tell you about superfoods for bodybuilding.

People think that by going to the gym, their body will be built and they give pain to their bones by going to the gym, but let us tell you that 80% of the diet is necessary to build the body, and if you take a good diet along with the gym, then you will get the results. will see you


So this question will definitely come to your mind, what should we eat that will benefit us from going to the gym? In today's article, we will tell you about such foods that are within your budget, so stay till the end and also like, comment, share, and follow us.


1) Eggs:-

Almost 90% of the bodybuilders eat eggs. Because eggs are very important for muscle growth. A good amount of protein is found in it. If we talk about 1 boiled egg, it contains 6 grams of protein.


We need double the protein of our weight. If you eat 2 eggs in the morning and 2 in the evening, you get one scoop of protein. The protein of the egg is in its white part and the yolk contains healthy fats.


2) Banana:-

Banana is a good diet for bodybuilding. If you do not have energy in the gym, then include bananas in your diet.


Take 3-4 bananas in your diet daily because bananas have the ability to increase energy. If you want to gain weight then include bananas in your diet.


3) Soybean:-

Soybean is a very good protein source for those who are vegetarian because soybean contains the highest amount of protein and it is also cheap. 52 grams of protein is found in 100 grams of soybean. You will not get so much protein at such a low price.


Soybean is very good for those who want to increase muscle mass. You can prepare and eat soybeans in many ways.


4) Sweet Potato:-

People are worried about their thinness and start eating boiled potatoes, I would tell them to eat sweet potatoes. Which will be better in increasing your weight. In sweet potatoes, you get Vitamin C, beta-carotene, fiber, and manganese.


These help in keeping your body fit. You can take this only if you go to the gym, otherwise, you can eat boiled potatoes.


5) Chicken:-

The name of chicken is enough, for protein, you will get 30 grams of protein in 100 grams of chicken and you can also eat it by making chicken rice.


Due to this the value of its nutrients increases. If you include protein in your diet, you will see the difference within 1 month.


6) Green vegetables:-

Nowadays people do not like to eat green vegetables, but let me tell you that as much as our body needs protein, it also needs vitamins and minerals, which we get from these vegetables and pulses.


Due to not eating vegetables, many effects are seen on our bodies.

Like hair fall, lethargy, skin problems, and many more, definitely include it in your diet.


7) Fish:-

Eating fish improves our body's growth. Bodybuilders eat more salmon fish because it contains more protein.


Vitamin B, Omega 3, and DHA are found in it. Eating this fish reduces body fat because it contains fat-reducing nutrients.


8) Cheese:-

Vitamin B12 and calcium are found in cheese. It strengthens our bones and muscles. A good amount of protein is found in cheese.


If you want to build a body, then include cottage cheese in your diet and those who are lean should also eat cottage cheese but should not consume it in excess because it contains a lot of fat.

So definitely include all these in your diet and get a good and lean body.


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