What to do if Your Gemstone is not Working

Gemstones are the gift of nature and human beings have been using them to showcase power and luxury for centuries. Each gemstone has a story and symbolism associated with it. We use gemstones to celebrate different occasions or milestones. These precious stones are believed to possess healing properties, ranging from providing protection to enhancing personal well-being. What happens when a gemstone does not seem to fulfill its intended purpose? In this article, we delve into the complexities surrounding gemstones and the factors that may contribute to their perceived failure in achieving their desired effects. By working on these factors, you can make a gemstone do wonders for the wearer. 

Understanding the Purpose of Gemstones

Gemstones are often associated with different purposes based on their unique properties and colors. For instance, amethyst is believed to promote calmness and spiritual growth, while citrine is associated with abundance and prosperity. Similarly, gemstones such as garnet stone, peridot, paraiba tourmaline, blue spinel, and sapphire are believed to enhance personality. These purposes are deeply rooted in folklore, ancient traditions, and metaphysical beliefs. At first, you should cross-check to ascertain whether the gemstone in question emanates the set of benefits that you're looking for.

It is important to note that the effects of gemstones are largely subjective and not scientifically proven. While some individuals may perceive positive changes in their lives after acquiring or wearing a gemstone, others may not experience any noticeable difference. Expectations, beliefs, and personal experiences can greatly influence an individual's perception of a gemstone's effectiveness.

Possible Reasons for a Gemstone's Failure and Fixes

1. Mismatched Expectations: One common reason for a gemstone's perceived failure is the mismatch between expectations and reality. Gemstones are not magical solutions that instantly solve all problems or grant wishes. They are subtle tools that may assist in personal growth, but they should not be solely relied upon to bring about dramatic changes. Each gemstone takes its time to showcase its influences. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment, making it seem as though the gemstone is not fulfilling its purpose.

2. Lack of Connection: Gemstones are believed to possess unique energies that resonate with individuals in many ways. It is possible that a particular gemstone does not align with an individual's energy or intentions, resulting in a perceived lack of effectiveness. Establishing a personal connection with a gemstone is essential for harnessing its potential benefits. It is believed that you can only benefit from a gemstone if it touches your skin. So, choose and wear a jewelry piece in a way that its center stone touches your skin.

3. Quality and Authenticity: The quality and authenticity of a gemstone can significantly impact its effectiveness. There is a wide range of gemstone qualities available in the market, including natural, synthetic, and treated gemstones. Natural and untreated gemstones are considered to have the strongest energy properties. If a gemstone is of low quality or has been improperly treated, its effectiveness may be compromised. This is because some treatments include the coating of chemicals on the outer surface of the gemstone.

4. Inadequate Cleansing and Charging: Gemstones are believed to absorb and store energy, which can affect their efficacy over time. Regular cleansing and charging are recommended to maintain their optimal energetic state. Failure to cleanse and charge a gemstone properly may result in a diminished effect or a feeling that it is no longer serving its purpose. There can be different ways of cleaning and charging a gemstone in different mythologies. For instance, according to Hindu mythology, a gemstone can be cleaned with 'Panchamrita' (a mixture of 5 specific articles).

5. External Interference: The energy of gemstones can be influenced by external factors such as environmental conditions, electromagnetic fields, and the energy of other individuals. Negative energy or conflicting vibrations may interfere with the gemstone's intended purpose, making it appear ineffective. To deal with this problem, you can wear a gemstone in a pendant on a long chain so that it can be hidden under your clothes.

6. Psychological Factors: The power of suggestion and the placebo effect can play a crucial part in an individual's perception of a gemstone's effectiveness. If someone strongly believes in the power of a gemstone, their mind might be more open to perceiving positive changes, even if the changes are not directly caused by the gemstone in question. It is believed that what you give to the universe comes back to you. So, we can say that positive thinking is, in a way, the key to obtaining benefits from a gemstone.


The perceived failure of a gemstone to fulfill its purpose can be attributed to various factors, including mismatched expectations, lack of personal connection, quality and authenticity issues, inadequate cleansing and charging, external interference, and psychological factors. It is important to approach gemstones with an open mind, understanding that their effects are subjective and may vary from person to person. Rather than solely relying on gemstones, it is advisable to adopt a holistic approach to personal well-being, combining gemstone use with other practices such as meditation, self-reflection, and professional guidance when needed.

Ultimately, whether a gemstone fulfills its purpose or not is a deeply personal experience. It is essential to explore and experiment with different gemstones to find the ones that resonate with you onfashi a deeper level. Consulting a professional astrologer before putting your money in a gemstone can also be a good idea. Remember that gemstones are tools for personal growth and should be used as aids rather than sole solutions to life's challenges


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