What Tips You Need To Prepare Yourself Before You Book Your Driving Lesson?

Learning to drive and getting behind the wheel for the first time can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. Imagine the enthusiasm you have always yearned to go from riding your car.

Even learning how to drive is a huge step many cannot take, so you must appreciate yourself.

Now the big day has arrived, and you have already decided what to wear, which driving school to join and from which instructor you will start your learning procedure. But, you still consider many things before you prepare for your first driving lesson.

So here we are! Our experts at BOOK2PASS are proficient enough with driving skills and knowledge and can provide tips that make your day easier when you take your driving lessons for the first time.

Let's dive into these to alleviate any doubts you might have.

Tips to consider on your first driving lesson

Tip 1: Ensure you sleep well the night before

Getting a good night's sleep before you go to your driving lesson will ensure that you are energised and active during your driving lesson. Getting good sleep is also important for procedural memory– a part of the brain that helps you learn skills like driving a car.

Also, the excitement and zeal to learn how to drive a car will not let you sleep, so we suggest that sleeping for 6 to 9 hours is a must to ease your challenges on the day of driving.

Tip 2: Set a schedule

Inculcating any new activity into your daily routine suggests planning your schedule so you do not have to compromise with your other activities. Whether a working professional or a student, you must take out 1 or 2 hours weekly for your driving lessons.

We suggest you go for an intensive car driving course designed to ensure a fast and efficient way of learning. Practising many hours of driving in a short amount of time allows you to pass quickly with our flexible intensive courses.

Tip 3: Diet and hydration is important

One crucial piece of advice we suggest for every beginner preparing for their first driving lesson is to stay adequately hydrated and nourished. If you have eaten well, you can perform well and focus clearly on what the instructor is trying to explain to you. It is essential to ensure that hunger is not a concern or distraction during these important driving lessons time.

We also suggest that you carry your water bottle and store it in a safe place.

Tip 4: Wear appropriate shoes and clothes

Wearing the right clothing and shoes determines how comfortable you are on the day of your driving lesson. Before you book your practical driving lesson, you must wear easy-breezy clothes and shoes that will allow you to sit peacefully for one hour in the car, wear loose-fitting clothing that enables you to move your arms and legs easily and revolve your body to look behind you when reversing or changing lanes.

Many drivers ignore this driving advice, which is equally essential.

Tip 5: Plan your finances

Before you embark on how to drive, you must be familiar with the driving lesson prices. There are many driving schools in the UK, but having access to affordable ones is very few. BOOK2PASS offers ultimate driving lessons at affordable prices so you can learn to drive easily. 

Once you have an idea of the expenses that you'll incur on learning to drive, then strategise and decide how you will finance this pursuit, whether through personal savings or with the support of a loved one willing to cover the costs.

Tip 6: Getting familiar with the controls

You must now become proficient in using the handbrake, the indicator, the brake, the clutch, and the gearshift. If learning to shift gears takes time, be easy on yourself; you won't be expected to be an expert immediately. 

Before you go, inquire if the controls need to be used again. You'll want to be sure you clearly grasp the scenario before driving around at 20 mph when it feels like 120. Every step will be demonstrated to you by your instructor, who will also be ready to take control if you get lost. 

Tip 7: Do not be afraid to ask questions

One tip that we can't ignore but give you is that you must clear your doubts with the driving instructor. Always remember that you will only get knowledge or wisdom if you speak. If you have any doubt regarding road safety guidelines or car controls, feel free to seek guidance from your instructor. Your instructor's main goal is to teach you all the knowledge and skills required to comply with driving laws, so answer all the questions.

If you understand the tips mentioned above, you should not prepare for your first driving lesson. You can feel confident that you are ready for the day if you have already scheduled your first class and eagerly anticipate the day. What are you waiting for if you still need to schedule your first lesson? Visit the website of BOOK2PASS now!

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