What's artificial moon ?

China's space program has been growing by leaps and bounds, with 2021 as one of the most successful years for Beijing in the 21st Century. The country has now built an artificial moon facility that will simulate lunar conditions and the environment for scientists to test new tech and future missions.

Being called the "first of its kind in the world", the facility located in the eastern city of Xuzhou, in Jiangsu province, which will make the gravity “disappear”. This advance tech can replicate low gravity environments. The reason for making artificial moon is, China less dependent on zero-gravity planes to train astronauts, and environments to test new rovers and technologies.

This is idea developed by the facility has its roots in the Russian-born physicist Andre Geim’s experiments to levitate a frog with a magnet. The physicists later won a Nobel for this groundbreaking experiment. "Magnetic levitation is certainly not the same as antigravity, but there are a variety of situations where mimicking microgravity by magnetic fields could be invaluable to expect the unexpected in space research," the physicists told SCMP. 

According to Li, the simulator is capable of making gravity 'disappear' and its effects can last for as long as one wants. When the magnetic field is strong enough, it can levitate virtually anything. 

Let's see about What's Artificial moon 

This artificial Moon creates low-gravity conditions on Earth and has been designed to aid lunar missions in the future.

Reportedly inspired by experiments that used magnets to levitate a frog, the artificial Moon is China's attempts at perfecting future lunar missions. Created by Li from China University of Mining and Technology, the artificial Moon is being portrayed as "first of its kind in the world" and hopes to take lunar simulation to a grander level. 

What's the use of Artificial moon ?

Chinese government made the artificial moon because to produce low cost in electricity, they try to replace streetlamps and lower electricity costs in urban areas.

What will be their backside of the artificial moon ?

A Chinese ground-breaking lunar rover found 40 feet of dust on the far side of the moon. China landed a spacecraft called Chang'e 4 on the moon's far side in January 2019 — the first country ever to do so.

Impact and creep tests

Scientists were conducted the impact and creep tests in the research facility. Impact test will require few seconds in simulator, while creep test will take some time. The result of Creep test is measured how a material will deform under constant temperature and stress.  

There's development everywhere, we are able to find the development even in our surrounding. Because of advance technology, the niche used to change and even our emotions used to change. We can allow the things which can develop our society. But we've to be cautious about the things that should not tamper our future generation, this rapid development also tamper the humanity and emotions. 

Ancient man found the fire we all have the knowledge about, we have to handle the fire. Similar to this, we've to know about how we should know about the technology and science.




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