What is the water cycle.

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                   ∆The water cycle

What is the water Cycle?

  • All living things rely on water. About three-quarters of your own body is made of water! Our planet has vast oceans of water, but nearly all of it is salt water, meaning that we cannot drink it. Plants and animals rely on the fresh water that falls as rain and collects in rivers and lakes. Al the water on Earth both fresh water and salt water is constantly recycled in a process called the water cycle. When water is heated, it turns into a gas and rises into the air. There, it collects in clouds, then cools and turns back into liquid water. It falls back to Earth and eventually evaporates again.

The water cycle

  • Water changes in the as it moves through the water cycle. Water evaporates as it changes from a liquid into a gas, or vapour. Water vapour condenses to form clouds. Precipitation falls from clouds as rain or snow. The sun's heat turns liquid water back into gas Then the water cycle begins again. Let's take a closer look at each part of this cycle. 

The water cycle has four stage 

1. Evaporation 

Heat from the sun causes water on Earth to evaporate and rise into the sky as water vapour.

A lot of water exists on Earth's surface. The oceans cover more than two- thirds of the planet, and even the large areas of land contain rivers, lakes and streams. The water in the oceans is salty, though the water on land is not. Any of Earth's water, either fresh or salt water, can evaporate as part of the water cycle

 2. Condensation

 Water vapour collects in clouds. As it cools, it becomes liquid water again 

3. Precipitation

 Water falls from in the sky as rain, snow sleet or hail. 


The land, streams, rivers, oceans, lakes and other areas collect the water that falls.

Some water is in oceans lakes, and rivers. Some water is underground.

Water moves and changes in the water cycle. A cycle has no beginning and no end.


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Sudhir gamit - Nov 17, 2019, 12:01 AM - Add Reply


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