What is the Use of Task Management Systems?

A task management system is software that automates task allocation and monitoring processes. When companies invest in software, they take advantage of this automation tool in many ways. Wondering, What are these benefits? Keep reading this blog post to find out!

Hybrid and remote work modes are immensely growing across the world. Though this flexibility is beneficial for a mobile workforce, it is a challenge for managers. They often find themselves in the middle of nowhere when it comes to task monitoring and performance status for their employees. However, employee task tracking has become easier with task management software. It is an automation system that companies use to manage their employees' tasks and projects. Let’s find out its meaning and benefits in more detail!

What is a Task Management System?

Employee task tracking software automates task management processes for companies. From task creation to monitoring and evaluation, the software optimizes the entire workflow. It usually helps businesses manage and monitor the tasks of their mobile workforce. Regardless of the industry type,employee tracking softwaresimplifies task management for every company. How exactly does it work? By offering a multitude of features! Some of the common features offered by the software include:

  • Distance and duration break-up reports

  • Task alerts and notifications

  • Calendar scheduling

  • Target vs. achievement reports

  • Custom forms and attachments

  • Real-time task monitoring

  • Communication tools

Remember, task management software optimizes end-to-end business workflows. Therefore, above all, the seamless integration capabilities are one of the greatest features that you should consider while investing in the software.

What is the Use of a Task Management System?

Investing in task management software offers many advantages to companies. Below are some of the benefits:

  • Manage Ad-Hoc Tasks

How to manage urgent tasks and assignments? Just invest in task-tracking software. It provides real-time insights into the whereabouts of employees that help them assign ad-hoc tasks to the right field force.

  • Allocating Tasks Efficiently

Reaching out to your manager daily to get tasks, sounds old-school. Isn't it? With task management software, companies can allocate bulk tasks for their remote workforce. You can assign tasks either on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

  • Ensuring Transparency in Performance

The task management system ensures transparency in the entire process. It provides auto-generated target vs. achievement reports on the performance of employees. The manager can use these reports to provide clear performance feedback to the employees.

  • Enhancing Communication

Professional communication on personal messaging apps can be frustrating. Task management software helps companies create professional and personal boundaries for employees. It provides communication tools, such as voice and text messaging features, to streamline team coordination. The employees can also use the software to share attachments.

  • Improving Workforce Productivity

Task tracking software enables the manager to geo-code the tasks and assignments. This means that the employee must visit a specific location to view the task details. Additionally, features like automated task allocation, real-time task monitoring, and auto-generated performance reports contribute to improved workforce productivity.

  • Mitigate Errors

Human efforts are prone to errors. And it is undeniable that some errors can cause a big hardship for your business. However, employee task-tracking software automates business workflows and mitigates the risk of errors. Whether it is assigning tasks or monitoring employees’ performance, the software streamlines it all.

  • Saves Time

Consider preparing performance reports for field employees manually. Wouldn’t it be tedious? It will indeed! A task management system creates auto-generated reports for tasks and the performance of employees. Therefore, the manager can take advantage of these software-generated reports and put their focus on more critical tasks.

How to Choose the Best Task Management Software?

Isn’t it satisfying to know that task-tracking software offers various benefits to its employees? It is enough! But these advantages come in handy only if you select the best software. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the best task management software:

  •  Features

Features and functionalities are the top-most on the checklist for shortlisting a task tracking software.  Ensure that the software offers a range of automation tools, such as calendar scheduling, analytical reports, communication tools, and more, to automate end-to-end business workflows.

  • Integration and Customization

Another important factor is the integration and customization capabilities of the software. The best task management software, like TrackoField, provides seamless integration capabilities to optimize their entire business operations. Additionally, the software can be customized as per unique business needs.

  • Mobile Accessibility

Do you think it is convenient for your field sales executive to stay on their desktop every time? Obviously, not! So, make sure that you select mobile-friendly employee task-tracking software. This will not only simplify the operations for your remote workforce but will also help you monitor them efficiently.

  • Safety and Compliance

Ensure the software you select to automate your business provides robust safety and security features. You can choose a task management system like TrackoField that ensures compliance and safety for its customers.


Employee task tracking software optimizes the task management process for companies. The manager can use the software to allocate tasks efficiently and save time through auto-generated performance reports. Furthermore, the software offers many benefits, such as ad-hoc task management, workforce management, ensuring transparency, enhancing communication, mitigating errors, and more. When choosing the right software for your business, ensure that you consider certain factors. TrackoField’s task management software adheres to all the above-mentioned factors. Want to try it by yourself? Book your demo now!

Field staff task tracking software is imperative for organisations that don’t want to miss deadlines and dissatisfy their customers. It’s high time for field force organisations to adopt task management software that offers goodness of automation, scalability and customisation. Don’t know where to look? Find your custom task management software only with TrackoField. Start with a free demo.

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