What is the unknown mystery of the Pyramid

Research on pyramids is known as pyramidology. The pyramid is said to contain energy that keeps food fresh and preserved, improves health, and has other uncanny effects. It is also said that the mystery lies in the structure of the pyramid. Because each pyramid creates a certain angle around it. Whose value is 51 degrees? The pyramid has the ability to absorb cosmic energy or cosmic rays. Today you can learn about the mystery of the pyramid.

The food stored in a pyramid is two to three times fresher than the outside environment and enhances the taste and quality of the food. Spectrograph creations show that there is no change in the molecular structure of the food. If a person meditates or does any work or sleeps inside a pyramid or in a pyramid structure, the positive reaction is felt immediately. A researcher named Bill Carell experimented with the pyramids for 18 years. He did various experiments on one type of marine shrimp in the pyramid. This type of marine shrimp usually lives six to seven weeks. But he sees that these shrimps have survived in the pyramids for more than a year. He also noticed that these shrimps were three times larger than their normal size, and he also performed various experiments on humans. He and his assistants discovered that people with high blood pressure had their blood pressure return to normal after a short stay in the pyramid. A replica of a pyramid is made in a Canadian hospital, and patients are kept in it. They noticed that patients were recovering faster, and the pain was healing much faster. Negative ions help our body regenerate and repair cells. It enters our body through the air and spreads throughout the body through the blood, and thus the negative ions have a beneficial effect on our body.

Studies have shown that this negative ion is formed in the pyramid. Many people have noticed that they need less sleep after sleeping in the pyramid, and they are feeling much lighter and calmer. The pyramid activates the pineal and pituitary glands of our brain. While in the pyramid, people experience physical balance, peace, and various benefits. Also, if it stays in the pyramid even for a short time, then it reduces human headaches.

Grain seeds have been found in thousands of years old tombs in Egypt. They were completely intact. However, modern seed preservation methods usually last for up to four years. The remarkable ability of pyramids to preserve organic matter has gained popularity in various books. In the 1930s, a French scientist named Anthony Bovis noticed that no corpses rotted inside the pyramids. The Egyptians dug the grave of an indigenous woman in the Satkara area of ​​Egypt, where they found some food in earthenware pots. Such as fish-meat, bread, fruits, etc.

Despite being 5,000 years old, their preservation system was so excellent that it surpasses today's advanced food preservation system. Various studies have revealed the various beneficial properties of the pyramid. Pyramid meditation is one of them. Meditating in the pyramid has a lot of results. Many people believe that using pyramids can enhance one's psychological abilities. Most people claim that they have regained their memory by meditating in the pyramids. Some people have some memories of their previous births. Psychological communication and awareness have increased.

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Sep 9, 2020, 4:27 PM - Jitendra
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