What is the Importance of Women’s Careing Of Dietary Intake At Older Age?

According to analyses, it is found that in the world, more than 50% of adults take daily multivitamin dosage. Apart from the young brigade, the rest of the women takes multivitamins supplements. However, experts are the view that some food should be the ultimate source of all nutrients. The main reason behind this is our body uses the food sourced vitamins more efficiently than supplements. But if there is any nutritional gap in your diet, then you are suggested to take supplements.  

Research Findings

The research also says that there are always gaping holes in women's daily diet, so they are suggested to have supplements. 

Thus in this article, we have some of the nutrients that women should take daily from their diet and enjoy a healthy living.    


We all know that as women age, their bone mass gets decreased. Therefore their body requires more calcium. Intake of calcium helps to improve bone health as well as reduce the chances of osteoporosis. Thus it is advised women to take about 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams of calcium daily. Orange juice is also loaded with calcium; thus, it is also a good source to meet this nutritional requirement.  


Suppose the woman is still getting her periods, so women need to watch the iron intake. Iron would be more effective if you take the iron-loaded food with vitamin C, as vitamin C helps to increase iron absorption in the body. But if the woman has entered the postmenopausal phase, iron requirements are less, so there is no need for women to take iron supplements anymore.

Vitamin D:

Vitamin D helps to as you age, the body's ability to modify sunshine into Supplement D decreases. Without vitamin D, the body would not be able to absorb Calcium. To ensure that the lady compensates for the decreased Vitamin D, multi-vitamins containing both vitamin and calcium are the ideal option.

Folic acid: 

Pregnant women should take a good amount of folic acid as a lack of folic acid can cause congenital disabilities in the baby's spinal cord or brain. Orange juice, green veggies, and beans are a good source of folic acid. 


Beta carotene contains properties that can fight cancer and also help your body against any cell damage.  Fruits and veggies like Carrots, apricots, pumpkin, sweet potato, and mangoes are good beta-carotene sources. 

Omega-3 fatty acids:

It is an anti-inflammatory natural substance that helps to keep our heart hale and hearty. It is observed that when women start getting older, their estrogen levels start falling, and this can increase the risk of heart disease.  The nonvegetable can consume fatty fish like salmon and tuna in their diet, and well for vegetarian's orange juice fortified with omega-3 is a good source. Besides these fish oil capsules, supplements are also available in the market.

Final Note:

Besides all these women, do not forget to drink lots of water as if you keep yourself hydrated, you will stay healthy. So women, include all these nutrients in your daily diet and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

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A blogger and Social media Marketer. Personally very close to nature and animals. Love to communicate with people and learn about their culture, food and lifestyle.