Sports or games are important for each or everyone. Sports are physical activity, exercise, or play that one engages in for personal development or competition.  Sport makes us fit or fine & healthy mentally or physically also. Sports help in building confidence,  personality, or fitness. Sports also help to relieve mental or emotional stress. In sports, people have established their careers as professional men or women. Today, so many people are interested in sports because of its scope or future, so many want to make their careers in the sports field. Today is the best future for those who have talent or are interested in sports in each or every sport. For example in football, athlete, badminton, cricket, hockey, basketball, volleyball, etc, these are the sports which play in the group of people. And some sports are play individually like swimming, gymnastic, running, cycling etc.  All sports have some common health and entertainment objectives & some interesting differences also.




Individual sports are a good combination of entertainment, fun, or exercise. Some games are played by the single-player, such as athletics, swimming, cycling, gymnastic, running, etc. Those players influenced and followed some famous players. That player makes their ideal and follfollowsm or does hard work alot for making their name in their interested sports. Individual games players gave our new generation the moral to build confidence to make their future in sports .




Some game is played in groups like cricket, hockey, basketball, volleyball, etc . , in these games, two teams are played together, and in one team there are more than 4-5 people. By those games, we know to understand that the understanding between that player or co-ordination between them. In these, no discrimination or difference between that player. Of everyone is equal in-game or for the audience also.  These group games gave us morals, i.e., everyone is equal, none is more important than the other. By these games, people take an interest in games and because of the player also. People follow their favorite players and take an interest in different games .



In games or sports, everyone is equal, and no one is more than others. In sports, no discrimination is done between players according to their sex, color, or caste. Today, girls are also in this sports field and make their future bright. In this field, no difference was found between gender or sex & men or women.  Everyone is free to make their future or choose their career according to their own interest without any restriction or discrimination .



In this new player are come in the field of sports. Today, national or international sports competitions are held. National games are played in our own country or nation, and international sports are played between different nations like Olympic games, world cup, FIFA world cup, etc. Today's sports is the best field of any nation for making their name in the whole world. Sports are good for every nation for making their youth fit mentally or physically.

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Fayaz Mohammed - Jul 20, 2021, 10:48 AM - Add Reply

Good one

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>> I am a college student. >> YOU can't undo the moves but you can make the next step better .

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