What is the Impact of Violent Games on Society?

What is the Impact of Violent Video Games on Society?

man playing war video game on console (television) in home - stock photo

Video games are digitally based games played on mobile phones, tablets, and personal computers. Typically, games are designed for education, entertainment, or change within society. Some people perceive gaming differently as games affect them differently. A bad score motivates the gamer who aim at beating the game. Some gamers will get the energy and motivation. Others will try to hide from reality.


In academics, those who play games are better in mathematics and sciences, while those who spend a lot of their time on social media platforms perform poorly in those two subjects. Games affect academic performance positively than spending time on social networks. The gamer discovers new techniques and can learn how to win the game without using a long route, reflecting their real life. They improve concentration and attention by noticing small details because the person playing the game becomes sharper and faster, hence making viewer errors.


Games grab attention hence relieves pains. Patients who are in pain when their wounds are taken care of are encouraged to play games. They focus on winning the game and forget all the pain. In society, we live most people view gaming as a bad influence; the reality is that gaming can be of value not only to children but to everyone. For example, a kid takes most of his time playing with a friend. Others find it comfortable playing the game. It is funny when the other child is given much attention because of gaming.



Though most gamers are aggressive, it does not mean they will be violent. Very few violent cases have been reported from gamers. Society's anxiety relating game gamers trying to imitate the game in real life and seeing them becoming criminals. More to this, individuals with an aggressive personality are more likely to produce violent behavior during environmental strain. Environmental factors do not cause violent behavior but can act as a more moderate.

A young man enjoying a computer game on white background


Violent video games can affect a part of the brain responsible for aggressive behavior and control of emotions. When children know that the video game they are playing is fictitious, their brain responds immediately as if it were real. They are exposed to fear and anti-social attitudes, which might occur due to those influences. Online video games cause damage to family, psychological functioning, school, and society due to addiction. Gamers like students lose attention at school. They end up not performing well in their studies.


Video games can be helpful sometimes. Games increase concentration and attention to what the person does. However, they do have more negative impacts than positive among those children. They become addicted more they play online video games hence affect the way of life. Parents can get some help from parental control software because they cannot go by denying their kids laptops, and mobiles phone are essentials to use at school for assignments. It is the responsibility of a parent to impact their children positively. They should control what their kids should be watching and not watch.

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