What is The Best SEO Strategy For 2024?

SEO is always updating and changing- it’s like your goal doesn’t ever sit still. As soon as you start believing that you know everything about SEO strategy for 2024, Google Introduces new algorithm updates. And thus, we know, can scare you. But don’t worry, this blog is all about the latest trends and strategies to succeed in 2024.

The truth is- SEO isn’t about stuffing keywords anymore and achieving ranks all by that. But about providing value, great experience and user engagement. So, to make you familiar with all of it, let’s know more about SEO strategies in 2024!

Build An Authority

Whenever you write any assignment and have to put in the reference, do you cite any random person, website, link or resource? You make sure that the references are genuine. Similarly, Google gives importance to the entity to which others are referring. How can you become a valuable resource?

  • Provide in-depth content to your audience. Something that genuinely helps them and provides them value.

  • Use relevant keywords in the content to enhance your website’s visibility.

  • After that, reach out to people, influencers, website owners etc to feature your work that they find valuable.

These steps help you emerge as a valuable resource and enhance your visibility as well.

Prioritize User Experience

Think about yourself, do you like ending up on a website that’s slow and boring even if it’s providing you with solutions? No. Slow speed and attractive templates are a great turn-off. What can you do?

  • Use a mobile-friendly design to give mobile users a great experience.

  • Make your website load fast to not lose any of your potential visitors. Consider using a sped optimisation tool.

  • Make navigation easy for your users by keeping a simple layout, redirects and paths.

  • Most importantly, provide great content to grab their attention, make them stay, provide value and make them come back.

These steps not only satisfy the search engines but keep your audience happy and content.

Understand Search Intent 

Who said keywords are no more effective? Let me correct it - Just keywords are no more effective. Suppose you used keywords but didn’t provide what the user was searching for. User Intent is a great factor to look into if you are building an SEO strategy

Some of the search intents that you can serve are -

  • Informational: This needs long-form and short-form content that provides values, answers and knowledge to the users.

  • Transactional- This is where the user wants to buy something. If you offer a product or a service, focus on comparing, showing off the product quality and providing your users with the best quality.

When you fulfill the search intent, you satisfy the user and the user returns.

Be Friends With AI

People’s great mistake is that they’re either way too afraid of AI or way too much in support of AI. The wise remain in the middle. They do use AI but they don’t overuse it. Similarly, what you can do is-

  • Use AI for keyword research. Find long-tail keywords with less competition and more searches.

  • Through AI, optimize your content. How? Ask it if your content has any errors, turn offs or gaps. Ask it to suggest changes or areas where you should improve.

  • One more thing you can achieve is topic creation. Ask AI tools to make you familiar with the latest trends and topics that are popular and can boost your website’s reach.

Anything that you use within limits and cautiously can prove to be helpful but if you over-use it, you’ll end up regretting it.

Build Backlinks

Even when the user experience is prioritized, backlinks and their importance aren’t behind. You get authority and credibility through backlinks. They help you in being confident that you’re a valuable resource. How can you become one?

  • Do guest blogging. Through this, you post your content on others' websites, link it to your website and get it published. This way, you get a backlink

  • Create shareable content. Even if you aren’t able to guest post, create high-quality content for your website that if anyone sees it, refers to it.

  • Engaging with communities online and offline can be a great help in spreading the word about your website and getting a backlink.

Through backlinks, you not only get authority but referral audiences. The increase in audience can boost your website.


As we move towards the end, we should know that just the search engine algorithms aren't what matters. What matters is how you interact with users, reach them and keep them.  To be at the same pace as your audience, update yourself.

While you’ll use all these strategies above, focus on creating content that’s optimized with voice and image search. Focus on long-tail keywords and image optimization.

With this, prioritize user experience, please them, satisfy them and make them return!

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