What is Simple Lifestyle

The SIX Simple Lifestyle

Simple Living: What Is It?
A mindful lifestyle that easily strikes a balance between purpose and ease. 

1) Understand and save money
One of the most important aspects of our simple living journey is learning how to save money. It's helpful and liberating to monitor our expenses, earnings, and savings. For example, it allowed us to take trips, change job opportunities, and cover unknown medical expenses. 

2) Better relationships
Social connection is an essential part of most of the suggestions I provided in "How To Choose Happiness (even when it's difficult)". Based from research on happiness, having strong connections and a sense of connectivity makes people happy—not obtaining more stuff. That is absolutely true for me! 

3) Extra time
I found that as we made life simpler, I had more free time. I wasn't driving my car, going to the mall, or putting in as many hours at work. And I got better at saying no. I was able to spend more time with my loved ones and focus on creative pursuits as a result.

4) Less stress
Our stress levels were lowered by saving money, paying off our debt, and riding our bikes to work. 
It's interesting to note that The Commuting and Wellbeing Study discovered that "every extra minute of commute time reduces mental health, increases strain, and decreases job satisfaction." On the other hand, a shorter commute "is associated with better self-reported health" and is likely to "increase job satisfaction." 

5) Better sleep
My sleep was frequently disturbed when I was caught in the work-spend cycle. I used to worry at night about not having enough money to pay back my student loans. I sleep better and worry less these days. In addition, I consider my life's circumstances when I can't sleep.

6) Set up a community
Community is the most recent edition of Your Money or Your Life. Human community is naturally valuable. Because it makes trade within communities that share and care for one another outside of the money economy feasible, it is currency.


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