What is rain forest

Rainforests are rainforests that rain all year round. These forests are found in all parts of the world. In South Asia, such forests are found in Malaysia, Java, Sumatra. With the except of one day, these forests receive rain every day.


These forests have hot and humid climate throughout the year. In such climate, plants and trees grow fast. Rain forest grows in different layers of trees. The tallest trees appear in the upper part of the forest.


A variety of animals, birds, are found in the forest. If you visit this forest at night, you will find only flowers that bloom at night. Appears in the forest. Most of the animals in the rain forest are nocturnal.


These snakes hunt easily in the dark of Ran gala. The direction of their prey can be guessed by their meeting with the snakes in the forest. Literally hundreds of species of insects are found in the rain forest, more than any other place. When the fungus comes on these leaves, the fungus is the food of these ants. 


Warm, humid weather is considered ideal for them, so many species of frogs are found in large numbers in the rain forest. Frogs are the food of many animals in this forest.


The Amazon is one of the largest jungles. A very large team went to search there days ago. It is still said that the city of gold is in that jungle. So they went there to find people. Are they really big animals? There was a river of boiling water under the ground, as well as large animals that were dangerous, and these animals from the big forest had gone there to find all this.The Amazon rainforest stretches from western Brazil to parts of Colombia, Peru and the south. It is the largest forest in the world, with an area of ​​5.5 million square meters. There are more than 400 million trees in this forest. These trees are so long and dense that sunlight cannot reach the ground. There are more than 17,000 species of trees in the forest. 


The Amazon's force is called the Lung of the World. Most of the oxygen on Earth comes from here. 


The Amazon River is the second-largest river in the world. Twenty percent of the world's rivers flow into the Amazon River. There are more than five thousand species of fish. The Amazon forest is home to some of the world's largest species of snakes.


The tribal here say that the presence of all the giants is unbelievable to them.


There are still a lot of tribal in the Amazon jungle. Some of the people who live on the edge of the jungle are in contact with the outside world, but most of them live in the middle of the jungle. They attack immediately. They don't like it when outsiders come into their territory.


No one still knows about the many species of trees that live in the Amazon rainforest. Jackie loses thousands of people every year in this forest. There are, 39000 trees available in this forest. Four hundred to five hundred tribal tribes live in this forest.


This is a very mysterious forest, tiny insects can kill birds and animals. They are very dangerous animals. And there are poisonous insects in this region. It is so dense that it is almost impossible for the sun to reach it. In the jungles of the Amazon, there is a huge 'ant' 'called' Bullet End.

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