What Is "Plastic Rice"? Is it Real? Unraveling the Myth



For the past ten years, there has been a lot of talk about “plastic rice” and its possible health risks. Experts have said that while it is possible to adulterate or contaminate food products, the idea that rice is entirely made of plastic has been a myth for a long time.


However, research and scientific analysis has consistently shown that there is no such thing as 100% synthetic rice on the market.


The origin of this myth can be found in urban legends and on social media, where fake rice videos are posted claiming to show how to identify it. These videos often show how to burn, melt, or submerge rice in water to prove that it is plastic.


Scientific Reality


There is more to verifying the quality and composition of rice than just basic tests. Regulators and food safety agencies around the world use advanced methods such as molecular analysis, microscopic analysis, and chemical testing.


Potential sources of confusion 

Contaminated or altered rice could be a source of confusion. For instance, there have been reports of rice mixed with synthetic substances or chemicals for commercial purposes in some areas. However, these cases are adulterated rather than completely replaced with plastic.


Ensuring Food safety 

Although there is no proof that entirely plastic rice exists, it is important for consumers to be aware of food safety. Keeping food safety guidelines in place, buying from reliable sources, and avoiding common food fraud activities can help reduce the risk of food safety issues. 



Although “plastic rice” continues to be a myth fueled by rumor and gossip, empirical facts and scientific research consistently prove that it does not exist. By spreading accurate information, relying on reliable sources, and following food safety practices, we can help to dispel myths and ensure food safety.

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SYED RIAZ GILLANI - Dec 29, 2023, 12:59 AM - Add Reply

Good work 👍

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