What is Once Saved Always Saved

I used to believe that I would always be saved once I was saved.This is in part due to the verse in Romans 8:38 in which Paul states:

("For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor demons, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord")

By making these statements, I believed Paul meant that I would always be loved and saved.

What swayed my decision?

On October 25, 2002, I brought forth a stillborn youngster at full term.The Lord took me back (in my mind) to the day I was in the hospital holding the lifeless child in my arms during the following months (during my grieving period) after I had spent several hours in continuous prayer about the situation. I had been praying about the situation.

He disclosed to me:He felt the same way about us (his children) as I did about this dead child.

I call this prayer a prayer, but it was more like this:I was sobbing so hard that I couldn't speak, so I poured out my heart to God in my spirit and said:

God, the baby couldn't hear me when I whispered in her ear.She didn't even turn her head to say "I love you" when I told her.She never woke her up to see me.I have everything a baby needs to survive, including food, clothing, a place to sleep, toys, and so on.However, I cannot take her home at this time, so this is meaningless.

In his wisdom, the Lord responded to me:He explained to me that he also has children to whom he calls;They shut their ears, however, so they can't hear him.They close their eyes to prevent them from seeing him.They are dead in their sins because they do not acknowledge Him, even though He provides everything for them.Because they are dead, he cannot bring them with him to heaven.

This brings me back to the original verse from the Bible, which reads, "I am convinced that neither life nor death nor anything can separate us..."Even in death, God's love will never change; the only difference is that some people have chosen to continue living in sin.

God is a just God who never changes, and he says in his word that sin's penalty is death!

They might have once listened to him.They heard His words and He united them into the plant, of which we are the branches.He can now remove them from the vine if they have closed their eyes and ears and returned to unbelief.They are dead, so he can't take them to heaven.

The good news is that God forgives.According to His Word, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that anyone who believes in Him will not perish but live forever. Even in death, God's love will never change; the only difference is that some people have chosen to continue living in sin. Thanks for reading.


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