What Is Livox ?

Key Facts

  •  There are over 1 billion people with disabilities on the planet.
  •  Disabled people are the highest risk of being socially excluded.
  •  Livox is a platform that enables non-verbal people with disabilities and people with learning impairments to communicate and to learn.
  •  Livox has already helped over 25,000 people with disabilities to have a voice and, in turn, have access to proper education.
  •  Livox has three components: the Livox app, the Livox Store, and MyLivox Portal.

Key Features

 Livox is a platform that enables non-verbal people with disabilities and people with learning impairments to communicate and to learn.

 It has three components:

  1. The award-winning alternative communication software, Livox, that allows people with disabilities to communicate up to 20 times faster than regular devices. You can actually talk to the person with a disability – Livox listens to it, “understands” the context of the communication, and then it shows possible options for a non-verbal person to speak. Since disabilities vary in type and degree, Livox adjusts automatically to any disabled person regardless of their motor, cognitive, or visual impairments.
  2.  Livox Store: an online repository of high-quality content for people with disabilities. Any person can download content for free, and anyone can create and upload contents in minutes. Content can go from alternative communication to books, school lessons, musical instruments, etc.
  3.  MyLivox Portal: an online tool with critical information for decision-makers to understand where the students can learn and if they are really learning over time.

 Social Impact

 There are over 1 billion people with disabilities on the planet. They are the group with the highest risk of social exclusion. Although much has been done for them, most solutions lack quality or fail to take into consideration the individual limitations of different disabilities.

 Livox was created by Carlos Pereira, whose daughter, Clara, has Cerebral Palsy due to a medical mistake.   Because of that, she can’t walk or speak. Since the moment Carlos found out about his daughter’s condition,   empowering people with disabilities became a passion for him.

 Livox users are on the very bottom of the social pyramid. Since they don’t speak or have learning impairments,  most of them are unhappily considered a burden. Most Livox users don’t have access to an email address, a  bank account, or any kind of employment.

 Livox has already helped over 25,000 people with disabilities to have a voice and, in turn, have access to   proper education. Regardless of the user’s condition, Livox allows them to consume and produce educational   content. We are creating the next-generation Stephen Haw kings by allowing people with disabilities to show   their true potential.

 Future Plans

 Disabilities have no boundaries, so non-verbal people or people with learning impairments are present in both   developed and under-developed countries. As of today, Livox is available in 25 languages. We are planning to   start distributing Livox in Africa and in the rest of Latin America by 2021.

 One major push for Livox is the Livox Store. There are hundreds of free pieces of content, but content creators   can create any kind of content and sell it in the Livox store. This is another source of revenue.

 Main Target Group

 Governments, institutions that work with disabled people, families of disabled people, and professionals       working with disabled people.

 Main User

 Non-verbal people with disabilities and people with learning impairments.

 Price (in USD)

 $499. However, this is the price for the United States. Prices are different depending on the country’s HDI and GDP.

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