What is learning? Easy learning ways

Learning concept

Learning is an art, not a science Everybody on land learn. It is wrong that only those people can learn those are educated; everybody on land which is not educated learns. Still, there is a difference between educated and noneducated man learning to learn fast when you learn things about your interests.

Learning skills in peoples

We say some people have strong learning skills, but this is not reality every person have strong skills in a special field if have opportunities to make good in your field you go on the top but if you don't have opportunities like money problem you cannot achieve your goal, but the best thing is that you never lose hope you have only the vision that "you can do it" and"you will do it" and "you should do it" for your survival Spending time on good works learn for your future, but you don't fear of failure that is the life and that's the world if are fearful and imagine your failure, not time, and no thing remains in your hand, so you don't lose your hope till the end The Man comes in the world for learning no man says that" he is fully learned or he knows all about the world and the things present in it 

 Categories of people

" some peoples are not Interested in books learning and some are interested only in book learning and some are only interested in learning by practical ways they are not wanted to learn a book    the book learner are officially become a writer ,scientists and people of these kinds but the practical men go in sports ,games or actor these are the two exteame classes the middle class is the normal persons who can also learn in books and also want to practical these things these can also go in industries social worker and many more professions every man has equal learning skills but of different categories you can become almost best when you use your skills at exteame level learning is best but it is wrost thing if you learning is available just for you you should share whatever you have learn only book learning and only practical learning is difficult than the normal and equal learning so you should try to learn in book and also to a practical if you done these two thing on best level (the higher level you can do ) you become the best example for learners learning also depends on your natural habit if you are busy in life matters your learning is a bit weak but of are only learner you also bored and not become a good learner so try to give time learning that's only needed if you give less time you are not good in learning but you pay more extra time to learning your skills also weak  

Methods to speed up learning

You can speed up your learning by adopting the following methods

1 Always learn with real-life practical

2 learn such thing in which you are personally interested

3 spend less but full of attention time on learning

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