What Is FM WhatsApp And How You Can Install FM WhatsApp Apk?

What Is FM WhatsApp And How You Can Install FM WhatsApp Apk,?

FM WhatsApp is a modified version of WhatsApp developed by Foud Apps. The developer added a lot of features in the app that are missing from the regular version of WhatsApp. The app is not available on the Google Play Store, but you have to download it from a third-party website.

FM WhatsApp allows you to use features such as hide your last seen, customize app colors, and other interface icons. You can easily customize the app with thousands of themes available in the theme store.


Features of FM WhatsApp

There are a lot of features that you can get using FM WhatsApp, here they are:


1. Customization

In case you’re bored with the way regular WhatsApp looks like, you can change it in FM WhatsApp. Many themes are provided for the app, so you have plenty of options to choose from. There are new themes added every day to the theme store, so you have plenty of free themes to choose from. 


 2 . Exclusive

Unlike the original app, you don’t need to have a number saved on your device to send the message. You can send messages to unsaved contacts via the app. It also allows you to pin 100 chats on your app home screen, while the number for the regular app is just 3 chats.  


3 . Increased limit

While the original WhatsApp limits you from sending a message to 250 people, FM WhatsApp allows you to send messages to up to 500 people. Apart from that, in original WhatsApp, you can send only 30 images at once, but with FM WhatsApp, you can send 60 at once. 


4 . Anti-delete status

This is one of FM WhatsApp’s main features; in the case of regular WhatsApp, when someone posts a story and then deletes it, you can see what the story was. But in FM WhatsApp, you have an unfair advantage; even though they delete the story, you’ll be able to see it later on. The feature may seem a bit basic, but it will give you accessibility that no one has. 


5 . Media Sharing

In the case of regular WhatsApp, you have limits in how many images and data you can send at once. But with FM WhatsApp, you get rid of that and send more than 30 images with data files up to 700 MB at once using Mega Films HD APK. You can share anything from photos and pictures to video, all using just FM WhatsApp without any data limit.  


6 . Emoji variant

Along with other customizations, you also have access to add emojis from different Android ecosystems. You can choose from One v3, Android 0 emoji, Facebook emoji, and many more. To enjoy this feature, keep in mind that you must have the latest version of FM WhatsApp. 


How to download the FM WhatsApp?

Now that you are familiar with FM WhatsApp’s benefits, it is time you know where you can download it from in the safest way. Here’s a link from where you can download the FM WhatsApp APK,.

Apart from the FM WhatsApp, you can also try other modded variants of WhatsApp like WhatsApp Plus, GBWhatsApp, and YoWhatsApp. But they have fewer features compared to FM WhatsApp. In order to use FM WhatsApp, you’ll have to uninstall the regular version of WhatsApp from your phone. 


How to install FM WhatsApp? 

  1. As FM WhatsApp is not an official app, you have to download it from a third-party website. 
  2. You can download the app from here. 
  3. Once you download it, you have to enable unknown resources to install the app. 
  4. You can then enter your phone number, and you’ll receive an OTP. 
  5. Once you enter the OTP, you can now start using it again


Pros of FM WhatsApp 

  • It has the anti-delete function, which prohibits the sender from deleting the messages they sent to you. 
  • You can choose any theme you want from thousands of themes available in the themes store. 
  • You can share files with a size above 700 MB through FM WhatsApp. 
  • No forwarded tag will be shown when you forward the messages



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