What is Diabetes, Its Symptoms, Types and What is its Treatment?


Diabetes is a condition with an unusually high level of glucose in the blood. Insulin, produced by the pancreas, is used by the body to lower blood sugar levels. If a person does not produce enough insulin, their body will be diabetic.

Double Diabetes - Insulin Resistance in Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes affects the body's response to carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. In diabetic patients, blood sugar levels are high. Blood sugar levels are regulated by insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas, which depends on your eating habits). If left unchecked, diabetes can have serious consequences.
Diabetes is a serious disease. But the surprising fact is that diabetes is reversible. Diabetes is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD). This condition is a condition in which the body can automatically lose glucose levels in the blood, resulting in too much sugar (sugar).



Symptoms of diabetes:

Symptoms of diabetes

There is no clear sign of diabetes. The most common symptoms of diabetes are the following:
• Staying dry all the time
• Frequent urination
• Increasing hunger
• Feeling always tired; extreme fatigue

On the other hand, some symptoms of diabetes have been described as complications of diabetes. These symptoms are:
• Vision changes
• Recurrent skin diseases are complicated to treat
• Itching or numbness that you may feel on your edges
• Gum disease
• Hair loss and many others.



Types of diabetes:

There are two different types of diabetes. These are the following:

  • Type I Diabetes (diabetes mellitus or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus)
  • Type 2 diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or early diabetes mellitus)

Diabetes type 1 and type 2 Royalty Free Vector Image

Type I Diabetes (diabetes mellitus or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus): 

The cause of type I diabetes is pneumonia and the inability to produce insulin.

Type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent diabetes or old diabetes):



This diabetes is a result of the body's insulin-resistant tissues. It is usually inherited.

Type 2 diabetes is common than Type 1 Diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a health disease that is characterized by high blood sugar levels. Conditions associated with type 2 diabetes include hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia.

Type 2 diabetes may be 90% to 95% of all diagnosed diabetes cases. Up to two-thirds of people with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms. Obesity is the most important risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

It is estimated that 20% of all diabetes mellitus starts in people between the ages of 9-19. The more you know about type 2 diabetes, the more you will take appropriate steps to control your condition.

Diabetes is a serious disease, and there is no cure for it. However, it can be controlled with a proper diet for diabetes. If left unchecked, diabetes can lead to a variety of problems such as kidney damage, heart disease, nerve damage, hypoglycemia (a significant decrease in blood sugar levels).,



Treatment of Diabetes:

Diabetes day treatments are now a common disease in humans. It is caused due to improper handling of carbohydrate metabolism within the body.

Diabetes has a serious health problem. Diabetes is characterized by excessive urination, hunger, thirst and weight loss, blurred vision, delayed skin healing, recurrent infections, and extreme fatigue. It means high blood sugar and urine.

Therefore, when it comes to diabetes treatment, the main concern should be given to blood sugar control, a major cause of diabetes. Managing blood sugar is a step in the right direction for this diabetes treatment program.



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To get rid of diabetes problems, one must take it seriously and take proper diet or exercise routine. In addition, some take insulin and any other form of medication to treat it to some degree. Regular blood sugar tests can show how far you have progressed to manage the right amount of blood sugar. It is essential to read the proper blood glucose list unless you can get an idea of the problem you are facing with the disease. 

Depending on the age group, especially at a young age, it is considered that there is no major problem if a good glucose range is 80-120 mg / dL, and when you are older, it is 100-140 mg / dL.



The diabetes program includes specific treatments such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, a healthy weight loss, and medication. When it comes to proper nutrition, it does not suggest taking all cold foods that are not your preference. Rather, it means having lots of fruits, vegetables, and grains which means you should be careful to take high nutritious foods with low fat and calories.

Avoid taking sweets and animal products without limit. The main part of this diabetes treatment program is that your own should be a challenge in this task. Otherwise, the program will be difficult enough. Consult any dietitian about a diet plan and keep it at regular intervals for the same amount of time, depending on your diet plan.

In the area of exercise, you should be aware of all aerobic exercise. In this diabetes treatment program, you can make your choice between daily exercises such as morning or evening walking, jogging, hiking, cycling, swimming, and any other cardiovascular exercise. Remember to provide consistency in your exercise routine is very important to get good results with it.

Try to maintain weight according to your level of activity and age because being overweight is a dangerous factor that helps make your cells more resistant to insulin. Developing a proper weight loss program and following it can be very effective.



Sometimes medicine plays a vital role when it is found that proper nutrition and exercise do not achieve a goal. This type of diabetes plan involves insulin injection according to each need. As it cannot be taken in pills, some people are injected, or others have an insulin pump.



Final Words:

So now it is obvious that diabetes is always manageable if the sufferer watches it daily. Although diabetes represents long-term suffering in life, it does not mean the end of your life. You just have to remember that the disease will be in your hands only if you control yourself by following each step of the treatment plan.

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