What is Dark Web?- Dark Web and Surface Web

What is Dark Web?- Dark Web and Surface Web

The dark web refers to encrypted online content that is not indexed by conventional search engines. Sometimes, the dark web is also called the darknet.

What is Dark Web and Surface Web - We open countless websites on the Internet, or by searching in Google, we see the website of our work and do our work.  But perhaps you do not know that the website we use or Google search comes in front of us, that only 5% of the rest of the 95% websites of the whole internet are such that we cannot open with a standard browser or even by searching on the internet.  I can't see.  That is why the Internet is divided into three parts. 


1. Surface Web

2. Deep Web

3. Dark Web.

1. Surface Web - which we can pass by searching with the help of search engines, and it is 5% of the whole internet. And Surface Web is used the most in the whole world.  We do not need special permission to use it; whatever you do not read from the Internet, you are watching, writing, this is all Surface Web.  In Surface Web, we can see any website within a limit.  As much as the owner of that website wants to show us.  The website's admin area cannot open or view any private information unless the admin wants to.

We search for some things on the internet, but Google cannot show that word, and a blank page comes there.  If something like this happens, there is no information on the internet related to it.  Or it may be that Google has intentionally hidden that content because Google works within the ambit of the law so that no country or any community is harmed.  Anything can be removed by request from Google.  It has also been done in Google that some objectionable things have been removed from Google, so Surface Web remains very good.

#2.Deep Web - There is such an internet which we cannot find by searching.  Because this is a No Index website, but we can use it.  Whatever cloud storage website is there, it comes in Deep Web, which we can access only if we have a fixed URL and a password for it.  Confidential information is saved on such a website, or government data is sent from one place to another, or a database is maintained on it, or email listing is done; government publication is also done on this type of site.  .  These websites can be accessed by only people who have their permission; unless you have the correct website URL and password, you will not be able to see it.


#3. Dark Web - is that part of the internet where all illegal work happens.  To access the Dark Web, you need a particular internet browser called TOR browser.  You should limit this to Educational Purpose only.  Using this, you can hide your IP address so that your identity on the Internet will be secret.  To access the dark web, you have to hide your identity because this work is illegal, and we do not advise you to do it; it is just for information.  The Dark Web has no authority.  Here everyone is his boss.  That is why it is also called the black world.  No matter how big the crime is in the eyes of the police, all this is seen here.  Here you can watch live murder.  You can buy online drugs here; if you want, you can donate to any terrorist organization.  Here child pornography, fake currency, fraud methods, viruses, hacking.


Software, etc., you get everything similar on the black world.  Which you do not know about, you can buy such things here.  There is no ordinary money or rupee in this world; here, all the payment is made by BitCoin.You can give betel nut to anyone online on the dark web.  Meaning you can hire a contract killer there to kill any person.  For this, you will also get a website named Hitman.  But they have some condition if the person whose supari you are giving is less than 16 years or else he is not the leader of any country of 10 countries.

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