What is Cryptocurrency? A Simple Explanation

Bitcoin Blockchain Dogecoin Ethereum NFTs everyone is talking about cryptocurrencies right now but good lord what does that mean you are all welcome in one article that will take you from crypto noob to crypto genius I will tell you why it continues to be so important what I have invested in me and its dark side is ok so- then when society started there was no such thing as money we would call this category as the only way to buy something from someone. It was a Climb I was like oh I really like your horse I will trade you for my cat with it sorry I have never traded you but the problem with such a program is that although you may be completely happy to stop. Your horse may not want a cat trading will never that's when the money went into the second category because they were made of precious things like gold and everyone just agreed that they were worth you heard. The British bag and well the reason they are called pounds because one pound literally was just one pound of silver so suddenly in trade it does not matter that you do not want my cat as long as I have it. We can trade your horse with or without silver at all because it is a valuable asset. Precious metals go to another very simple paper coin doing the same thing. But now money has no value because it is made of pure silver it has value just because the government says like this 10 pound note here in the UK the note itself is just actually made of plastic they change. You have set it up recently because it is solid but if you look closely you can see that all of this is actually an English bank that promises to pay the holder 10 pounds really this is just a receipt for the kind of proof that you own the store. A certain amount of money but as technology evolved we found better ways to store and trade our goods now we are in what I would call the fourth stage where more people than ever bought things online and used credit cards and when we were in that category our money no longer belongs to or notes or cats just in the spreadsheet like when I bought a music album on Amazon all that happens is that my bank puts in a spreadsheet that says Aaron now has ten dollars less and then the Amazon bank puts in the text that they have ten dollars more so the reason I gave you all this introduction is to give you the context that cryptocurrency sits where it is seen by many people as mos. The best time to exchange has ever been the fifth way how to think about cryptocurrency is 100 visible I know the bitcoin logo that looks like a real currency is now a small coin now but with crypto there is no gold. Silver no paper


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