What is carrot nutrients

Facts about carrot nutrients

A medium-sized carrot (61g) contains 25 calories, 0.5g of protein, 6g of carbs, and 0g of fat. The nutrient's fiber, vitamin K, and vitamin A are all abundant in carrots. The USDA has given the dietary facts listed below. 1


Energy: 25

Fat: 0g

42 mg sodium

6g of carbohydrates

1.5g of fibers

2.9g sugars

Protein: 0.5g

Vitamin A: 509 mcg

8 mg of vitamin K

Potassium: 195 mg

Beta-carotene: 5053.8mcg


Raw carrots that have been sliced up provide 12.3 g of carbohydrates per cup (128g), 3.6 g of fiber, and 6.1 g of natural sugars. Boiling carrots has a low (35 to 43) glycemic index. Carrots contain very little fat (almost 0g for one medium carrot and just 0.3g for a cup of chopped carrot), the bulk of which is polyunsaturated. A medium-sized carrot (61g) has 25 calories, 86% of which are from carbohydrates, 9% are from protein, and 5% are from fat.


For comparison, one cup (110g) of grated carrots has 45 calories and one cup (128g) of chopped carrots has 52 calories.


As long as no additional ingredients, such butter, have been added, cooked carrots differ just little in calories from raw ones. Carrot slices that have been boiled, cooked, and drained have 55 calories per cup (156g).


Carrots have fewer calories than other root veggies. 111 calories are present in one cup of cooked, boiled parsnip slices. As with carrots, mashed sweet potatoes have a lot of vitamin A and 90 calories per half-cup portion (100g). The factor in carrots protects deoxyribonucleic acid from aerophobia injury that may cause cancer. Carrots are available in several colors, together with yellow, orange, red, and purple, every with varied levels and kinds of antioxidants.


Orange carrots are high in beta-carotene, yellow carrots in lutein, red carrots in lycopene, and purple carrots in anthocyanins. Purple carrot extract has been shown to shield colon cells against oxidative DNA damage by over 20%. The antioxidants in numerous colored carrots work throughout the body to assist stop cancer. Remove the green tops of carrots to extend their storage life. Though carrot greens are edible, You must separate them from the carrot root to cut back wetness loss. Greens solely last some days within the icebox.


You'll be able to store carrots in the refrigerator crisper in perforated plastic baggage for many weeks. Before intake or cutting into carrots, it is important to wash off any outside dirt and bacterium employing a vegetable brush underneath cool running water. Many of us opt to peel carrots, however this is not necessary if not desired. You will preserve carrots in reception with a pressure canes. You'll also be able to blanch and freeze them. There are many forms of carrots that take issue slightly in color, shape, size, taste, and most popular growing conditions. For baby carrots (which are literally simply cut carrots), varieties embrace Baby Spike, very little finger, Short 'n Sweet. Alternative popular carrot varieties include Orbit, Royal Chantey, Avenger, Gold, Tender Sweet, and European country White. You will realize carrot varieties that target color from white, yellow, orange, red, purple, and black. Carrots are sometimes purchased recent, however may additionally be found frozen or canned. Cut carrots are a straightforward add-on to salads and sandwiches. Carrots are a type of root vegetable, however they do not contain as much carbs as other root vegetables. To salads, soups, stews, and side dishes, carrots bring a splash of color and a variety of healthy nutrients.


Carrots are a good source of several vitamins and minerals, especially biotin, potassium, and vitamins A (from beta-carotene), K1 (phylloquinone), and B6.

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  • Vitamin A: Carrots You are rich in Beta-carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A. This nutrient promotes good vision and is important for growth, development and immune function
    (15Trusted Source .
  • Biotin: A B vitamin, formerly known as vitamin H, biotin plays an important role in the metabolism of fats and proteins ( 16 Trusted Source.
  • Vitamin K1: Vitamin K1, also known as phylloquinone, is important for blood clotting and may promote bone health (17Source co Reliable
    , 18Reliable Source).
  • Potassium: Potassium is an essential mineral and important for controlling blood pressure.
  • Vitamin B6: A Group of related vitamins, B6 is involved in converting food into energy.

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