What is bmi and how can we calculate it?

A person's weight in kilograms divided by their height in meters squared yields their body mass index or BMI. High body fatness may be indicated by a high BMI. BMI does not diagnose a person's body fatness or overall health;rather,it looks for weight categories that may be associated with health issues.

          Based on a person's height and weight, BMI calculate their leanness or corpulence and is used to determine tissue mass.It's commonly used to determine whether an individual is at a healthy body weight for their height to be more precise, the BMI value is used to determine a person's classification as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese based on where the value falls in the range. These BMI ranges are subject to regional and age-based variations, and they are occasionally further classified into extremely under weight and extremely obese sub categories. Despite the fact that BMI is an imprecise indicator of a healthy body weight,being overweight or underweight can have serious health consequences.

      BMI classification range:kg/ m2

extreme skinniness <16

mild to moderately thin 16 to 18.5

normal 17 to25

thinness overweight 25to30

obesity class 1 :30-35

class2 obese:35-40

type 3 obesity:>40


Obesity and related lifestyle diseases are widespread, even in young people, as a result of the high stress levels of today's lifestyle and rising population levels. As a result, a BMI calculator in India is a helpful resource that can assist you in determining your health risks. A medicine professional can advise you an healthy lifestyle choices to avoid issues and help you comprehend the significance of your BMI.But in addition to leading a healthy lifestyle, it's critical to be ready for unforeseen medical issues. The rising cost of health care might put strain on your finance because proper treatment comes at a high cost.

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