What is Artificial intelligence?

What is Artificial Intelligence? 

We can also call Artificial Intelligence in Hindi as Artificial Intelligence. Which literally means a mind created by humans. And it should have the same sense as a human being. An artificial mind that is able to make decisions from human experiences.

Type writer

Man has 5 types of sense. Which is natural. Nature gave us By which our brain decides on the basis of the input given. For example, when someone questions us, our ear gives us input from our hearing. Our brain processes this input. And decides what we have to answer. This is our wisdom.


If we develop this intelligence in the machines made by us. So a lot of our work will be reduced. Because then we will not need to give input to machines. And she will automatically be able to know what work humans want.


A very good example of this today is Amazon Alexa. Which is based on speech recognition technology. Amazon Alexa is able to understand our spoken sentences with its artificial intelligence. And gives us the output or response according to it.


By the way Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science. People who study in computer science. They also read about Artificial Intelligence.


How is Artificial Intelligence developed?

We have started to learn about the new robot these days. Some countries have done pioneering work in this direction. We have taken a lot of steps in this direction so far and have also been successful.


 These are robots by the head machines. It does not come in Artificial Intelligence. Their mind is in Artificial Intelligence. These robots decide from their minds what to do.


Now you will think that what happens in these minds so that they are able to take such an accurate decision. So I would like to tell that there is computer codding in these brains. Which is so sensible that it is able to take appropriate decisions from its experience. Like a person takes.


Algorithms are written in these computer codding. In which step wise step is told when and what to do. This algorithm is written with such intelligence that it is possible to decide according to the whole situation and situation and what action to take. There is a complete description of it.


What is the history of Artificial Intelligence?

Ever since human beings originated. Since then, the human mind is also constantly developing. Our mind is as developed today. It has taken hundreds of years to develop. In the same way, the imagination of artificial intelligence is not as new as it is. Seems to be.


Human beings have been doing research in this direction continuously since the beginning of the 20th century. And now that we have been able to make some such equipment. Which are also used in daily life. Which is completely based on Artificial Intelligence.


By the beginning of the 20th century, we had imagined artificial intelligence in stories and stories.


By 1940, an army of scientists, mathematicians and philosophers had become on our earth. Who believed that when a person can take a decision using his memory power, then why can't a machine take it.


First of all, in 1943, Warren McCulloch and Walter pits proposed a model of artificial neurons.


In 1950, British young mathematician Alan Turing published a test paper called "Computing Machinery and Intelligence". In which he published a test in which he discussed how artificial intelligence can be tested with the human mind.


Until then, the computer was made only to process codding. The computer did not have the ability to preserve the result of the process code. After that the memory capacity in the computer was developed. Who can say this and the first step.


After that, tests were conducted by some scientists over time. And today we have reached here with these tests. That we have made tools like Speech recognition and Visual Recognition.


But there is still a lot of research to be done in this direction. Because man has struggled for hundreds of years to develop the mind.


How many types of Artificial Intelligence? 

There are four types of Artificial Intelligence or it can be said. Artificial intelligence can be developed at four levels.


These four types are like this:


REACTIVE MACHINES (Realistic machines)

At this stage, the type of machines are included which respond according to your input. The best example of this is Deep Blue chess playing computer. Which IBM has developed. Who defeated International Grand Master Gary Kasparov in chess in the 1990s.


Limited Memory (Limited Memory)

Machines of that type are included at this level. Who responds by using the can of his memory. The best example of this is the self-driving car. Self-driving car machine learning works on the basis of technology. Which is a part of Artificial Intelligence. By analyzing the situation, repeat the reaction already done in that situation

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