What is ahead of Career thinking? Read the full article to know.

 A couple of element is required to carry forward the creation.  Whether in animal form or in elemental form.  The universe reaches the earth from space and creates the terrestrial world, it is also formed from the coupling element.  That is why nature has created males and females.  Together, keep the world moving with self-discretion.  In the human world, they are called men and women.  The man is considered as the representative of Brahmabhava and the woman as the representative of Mayabhava.  Creation is the cause of activities.  Man lives only in the center.  He who works, moves, has his own abilities.  He also has the means to do the work.  From this point of view, nature has also made women capable.  Smart and ethical too.  From the point of view of motherhood, motherhood is also proficient in patience and indirect language.  He has an amazing ability to fight.  According to the concept of Ardhanarishvara, the qualities of both are prevalent in both men and women.  The qualities that are nurtured more are more manifested.  


The qualities of a man in a woman There can be more and the qualities of a woman in a man too.  The main quality of a man is to spread the universe and the main quality of a woman is to develop by adopting.  Male is an indicator of expansion, female is an indicator of contraction.  Just as the bodies of men and women are different, so are their feelings.  Work areas also differ.  area of ​​male parenting and protection It has to be seen, that is why he is engaged in earning money.  He worries about making a good career so that he can live happily.  A woman has her own world.  One should keep an eye on what comes.  How and where it comes from is not more important.  Like a man who does not believe in anything ahead of his career.  career is only Eight hours a day life.  He does not think much about the remaining sixteen hours, when it should be that sixteen hours should be the basic basis of his life and an eight-hour career should become the medium of running it.  In this home, family, relatives, kin, best friends, society, etc. all come.  A person has a daily relationship with everyone.  Sixteen hours of life is a field of happiness and sorrow and peace.  It is a pity that these 16 hours of life are not thought of twice as much as a career.  There is only one reason for this we look at life in fragments.  Don't look at perfection.  Nature is not the only object of our contemplation.  Without holistic vision, no philosophy, no concept, no goal or path of life can be fixed.  That is why husband and wife also remain only bodies for each other.  Children also come as guests and we start fulfilling their material needs according to our capacity.  How the child should be born, for this, who wishes today, performs the rituals. 


 All-qualified, educated children for total growth

 Who wants to be born today?  Like other living beings, the human body also keeps on coming to earth, who has to become a Kunti, who has to become like Sun, who wants a son like Vayu?  Which woman wants to offer a good child to her husband's family?  With this resolution, the Yoga of Yosha-Vrisha (Husband's Wife) takes place.  The whole nine months are used in the education of the children.  Today even daughters go to their in-laws' houses on the basis of a college education.  Only one body connects with another body.  What is the commonality within this shell, and how it should be developed together so that we can live together, this thought has vanished?  Both of them also went to live together.  Then where did married life begin?  Life starts with the help of two means.  One body and the other intellect.  Body means material happiness and intellect means ego.  No intelligent person would like to surrender to another person.  The husband should not speak in the housework, the wife should not speak (do not interfere) in earning a living.  That would be a form of surrender.


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