What is a man who savors the taste of death?

Man relishing the taste of death...

It is a bit bitter but written from the heart,

I don't love death, death is our taste,

Goat, cow, buffalo, camel, pig, deer, partridge, chicken, halal, non-halal, fresh goat, roasted, small fish, big fish, cooked on low flame.

There are so many, rather countless tastes of death.

Because death is someone else's, and the taste is ours...

Death has become a business from taste.

Poultry farming, fish farming, goat farming, poultry farms.

Name "rearing" and purpose "murder"❗

Even slaughter houses have been opened. That too official.

Non-veg restaurants have opened in every street, if this is not a business of death then what is it? Love for death and business with it because death is not ours.

Those who cannot speak like us, cannot express themselves, are not capable of protecting themselves,

How did we accept their helplessness as our strength?

How did we assume that they do not have feelings?

Or that they do not sigh?

While scratching bones on the dining table, a father teaches his children, son, never hurt anyone's feelings!

Do not take anyone's sighs!

No one's eyes should shed tears because of you!

The father who instills false values ​​in his children, cannot see that bone in his hand, which was a body before this, which had a soul inside it, which also had a mother...??
The one who must have been cut?
The one who must have groaned?
The one who must have suffered?
The one who must have sighed?
The one who must have cursed?

How did you believe that whenever atrocities increase on earth,
God will take incarnation only to protect you humans..❓

Aren't the mute animals the children of the Supreme God..❓

Isn't that God concerned about their protection..❓

Under the guise of religion, in the name of the Supreme God, do you sometimes slaughter goats on Eid for your taste, sometimes sacrifice goats in front of Durga Maa or Bhairav ​​Baba.

Sometimes you offer fish as Prasad for your taste.

Have you ever thought...??

Does God have a taste? ....what is his food?

Who are you cheating?

I don't eat non-veg on Tuesdays...!

Today is Saturday, so no...!

The question doesn't even arise during Navratri...!

Lies upon lies...

Lies upon lies

Lies upon lies..

How will we feel if someone eats our children like this??

Remember that you get the fruits of your deeds.

God gave intelligence only to you!

So that after wandering in all the forms of life, you can find a way out of the cycle of birth and death in the human form!

But as soon as you got this human form, you started considering yourself as God!

Stay with nature.

Stay with nature.


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