What is 10 breathtaking pics of sun shared by NASA

 I'm unable to provide you with real-time or the most up-to-date images from NASA, as my knowledge only goes up until September 2021, and I don't have browsing capabilities to access the internet. However, I can suggest some breathtaking images that NASA has released in the past, and you can search for them online to find the latest ones. Here are some notable NASA images that have captured the imagination of people around the world:

  1.  Hubble Deep Field: This image shows thousands of galaxies in a tiny patch of the sky, revealing the vastness of the universe.
  2.  The Pillars of Creation: An iconic image of massive columns of gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula, where new stars are born.
  3.  Earthrise: Taken by the Apollo 8 astronauts, this image shows the Earth rising over the lunar horizon, a powerful reminder of our place in the cosmos.
  4.  Jupiter's Great Red Spot: A close-up of Jupiter's famous storm, a massive swirling system that has been raging for centuries.
  5.  The Pale Blue Dot: Voyager 1 captured this image of Earth from the edge of the solar system, emphasizing the fragility of our planet.
  6.  Curiosity Rover's Selfie on Mars: A selfie taken by NASA's Curiosity rover on the Martian surface, with the Red Planet's landscape in the background.
  7.  Saturn's Rings: Various images of Saturn's stunning ring system, showcasing their intricate details and beauty.
  8.  Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE Images: Numerous high-resolution images of Mars' surface, featuring canyons, craters, and dunes.
  9.  Pluto Flyby: Images of Pluto and its moon Charon captured by the New Horizons spacecraft during its historic flyby in 2015.
  10.  Cassini's Grand Finale: Before its intentional plunge into Saturn's atmosphere, the Cassini spacecraft sent back incredible images of Saturn and its rings.

 To view these images and more, you can visit NASA's official website, their social media profiles, or search for them on popular image-sharing platforms like Flickr or Instagram, where NASA regularly shares its breathtaking space imagery

I apologize for any confusion earlier. Since I cannot access the internet for real-time updates, I can't provide you with the latest images from NASA. However, here are 10 breathtaking NASA images that were widely known and admired as of my last knowledge update in September 2021

  1. Pillars of Creation : This iconic image captured by the Hubble Space Telescope showcases towering pillars of gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula, where new stars are forming.

  2. Earthrise: Taken by the Apollo 8 mission in 1968, this image shows Earth rising over the lunar surface, emphasizing the beauty and fragility of our planet.

  3. Hubble Deep Field: A composite image revealing thousands of distant galaxies, demonstrating the vastness of the universe.

  4. Cassini's View of Saturn: The Cassini spacecraft provided stunning close-up views of Saturn, its rings, and its moons, including the hexagonal storm on Saturn's north pole.

  5. Curiosity Rover's Selfie: NASA's Curiosity rover captured a selfie on Mars, showcasing the rugged Martian terrain in the background.

  6. Jupiter's Great Red Spot: Close-up images of Jupiter's iconic storm, the Great Red Spot, captured by NASA's Juno spacecraft.

  7. Pluto's Heart: New Horizons' flyby of Pluto revealed a heart-shaped feature on the dwarf planet's surface, known as Tombaugh Regio.

  8. Mars Rover Panoramas: Various panoramic views of Mars captured by the Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity rovers, showcasing the Martian landscape.

  9. Hubble's View of the Universe: A compilation of Hubble Space Telescope images, including galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters.

  10. Apollo 11 Footprint on the Moon: A historic photograph of Buzz Aldrin's bootprint on the lunar surface during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969.

You can explore these images and more on NASA's official website, which provides a vast archive of stunning space photography. Additionally, NASA continues to release breathtaking images regularly, so be sure to check their official channels and websites for the latest updates


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Jul 4, 2024, 11:07 PM wilson jone