What if we sent our trash to SUN?

The sun is a giant ball of burning gas and it can obliterate anything and everything it touches be that plastic or other trash. Trash is one of the major problems of our society so why dont we send it to sun and get rid of this problem?

Is it Necessary?

Yes, Of course. Trash is a growing problem on daily basis. By 2050,at the rate we are producing waste now, there will be 12 Billions of tons of plastic on landfills which is 35000 times the weight of EMPIRE STATE BUILDING. So of someone asks if this is necessary so the answere is YES.

How to Execute this PLAN?

How much will it cost? 

The sun is about 150 million km away from earth so the first thing we gotta figure out is that how can we send the trash to sun.There is a rocket called ARIAN 5 which has payload capacity of 7000kg and it costs 200 Millions to get the trash to the orbit and it will take 168 Million of these rockets to transfer the trash of only one year and it will cost 33 Trillion Dollars to take the trash to the orbit only. From orbit to the sun, ten times more fuel will be required.

Obstacles to overcome

Even if we manage to do all the above,we will not be able to throw the rocket at the sun directly but the rocket will perform cicular motion around the sun. If we are to hit the rocket at the sun directly, we would have to decrease the speed of the rocket by 30km per hour. On the contrary, we would have to decrease the speed by 12km per hour if we were to send the trash to the solar system.So instead of sending it to the sun, it is easier to send it to the Solar System.

Risks involved

The first and common most risk is that if there was an accident and the rocket blew at the lauch centre or in the orbit,we will be facing wastes raining at us and even more dangerous than before because of the reactions during blasts. After taking all these points into considerations i dont think this operation is worth all the risks and money. Alternatively we should avoid making waste in the first place to keep our planet clean and safe.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading. 

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