What happens when you eat

We've additionally observed that reactions to food shift fiercely among individuals, and surprisingly indistinguishable twins can react diversely to similar food varieties. 


Be that as it may, what precisely do we mean when we talk about reactions to food? 


To clarify, we will zero in on the two most significant energy sources in the majority of the food sources we eat: fat and sugar.

How fat and sugar end up in the blood 


How about we pause for a minute to recap some secondary school science. Each time you eat and drink, food and refreshments advance into your stomach where they are separated by  corrosive and chemicals. 


Then, at that point, it passes into your digestive organs, where more compounds separate the carbs, fats, and proteins in your food into more modest substance building blocks, like basic sugars from carbs, fatty oils from fats and amino acids from proteins. 


These little particles go through the dividers of your digestive organs and in  end up in your circulatory system. 


Practically all the fat we gobble is comprised of fatty substances, and the vast majority of the carb we eat separates into a sort of basic sugar known as glucose, so it's not shocking that these atoms turn up in our blood in huge amounts after we eat. 


(A speedy note on 'sugar': carbs are comprised of sugar atoms hung together into long chains. Glucose is the commonest starch building block in the majority of the food sources we eat.

What do blood glucose and fatty substance levels uncover about your digestion? 


At the point when you eat, the degrees of glucose and fatty substances in your blood increment. These fat and sugar atoms circle until your cells take them up and either use them for energy or store them for some other time, decreasing the measure of these particles in the circulatory system. 


Estimating how the degrees of glucose and fatty substances in your blood rise and fall in the wake of eating assists us with seeing how rapidly your body sets the supplements free from food and how quick it utilizes them for energy or stores them once they are flowing. 


How your blood glucose and fatty substances levels change after you eat, and how quickly they return to typical is the thing that we at ZOE portray as your reaction to food, or individual dietary reaction. 


In the event that you react ineffectively to food and the degrees of glucose in your blood top rapidly and afterward crash, or stay high for quite a while, you are bound to put on weight. 


Individuals with unfortunate dietary reactions are likewise in danger of creating genuine medical conditions like diabetes and coronary illness 

You go through the greater part of your day processing 


Your body separates carbs rapidly, and glucose voyages straightforwardly through the dividers of your digestive organs and into your blood. Therefore, your blood glucose levels increment quickly, typically cresting at around 30 minutes subsequent to eating and getting back to abstained levels after around 2 hours. 


Glucose reactions are normally estimated first thing before breakfast, giving a benchmark readout subsequent to fasting. 


Fatty oils additionally advance into the phones that make up our gastrointestinal dividers, however are bundled into little particles called lipoproteins ('chylomicrons', assuming you need to get specialized with regards to it). 


The method involved with getting these fat particles into the circulatory system and back out again is extremely lethargic, so your fat reaction requires as long as 8 hours to rise and fall after only one single feast.



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