What exactly happened at night of April 26, 1986 at Chernobyl?


The horror when I say this word then what comes in mind is ghost, haunted houses, or any creature of science fiction movie, but do you know what the most horrific thing in this world is. In contrast, watching movies that are therill with horror than that movie ends after watching because we know that everything in the real world is possible. Still, most people do not believe in miracles, ghosts, and paranomal energies, but the horror that I believe in is science. Real science has come under the category of danger, everyone believes in such thing, on which you do not even believe, on which you do not want to believe, but it will not happen to you, there is such Horrific Story about which the world would then even today chin is passed from the apne of the whole world.

Nuclear Power Plant 

Every single creature in this world, every single element, every planet, the whole world is Atom.

Every atom has energy. An atom is too small. And every single atom has an incredible amount of energy. And by identifying this energy, man duscovered Atomic Energy and started vaping it for some bad works and some useful works and Nuclear Power Plant in the useful category.

(Nuclear Power Plant) which is also called (Atomic Power Plant). An atomic power plant has many Reactors. And inside that reactor, the energy of the atom, that is atomic energy is generated by Heat. A large Turbine moves inside it and with tha same heat, it producer seed.

                            This is Turbine.

Radioactive Sign

It is one of the most dangerous symbol in the world. It is called Radioactive Sign.

Wherever nuclear energy related thing happen there is one such Danger Zone. Radiation is a invisible thing.

The Chernobyl Incident 

Every nuclear plant has special clothes for workers and all necessary precautions are present in the system of nuclear plant, but sometimes accident happen. 26 April 1986 at 1:23 PM Chernobyl (Ukraine).

The place where this disaster occurred was a big city Pripyat in front of it and there was a very famous city and people lived happily there about  50 thousand people lived in that city. But on 26 April 1986 that night everything changed, not only for Chernobyl but for the whole world Pripyat people of the city suddenly saw the light. A very shining light that was going to be uneven. People felt that a simple incident would be a fire incident in that factory and all the people started standing on a bridge to see the incident, the children grew up, the young men all started talking outside the house, after all did they not know that radioactive dust was tearing their skin cancer inside their body cell was getting it damage. The blast was so powerful that it spread radioactive dust in a few seconds Chernobyl and the entire city around it, not only in the nearby cities, areas, but also 30 km away from where the plant was, these dangerous Radioactive Particles spread and due to a mistake, some scientist were doing the safety test of the nuclear power plant at Chernobyl earlier that night. You can also call this incident a mistake or even careless.

Because Anatoly Dyatlov who was monitoring system that night, was not following some important protocols. Nuclear power plant has a Hard Core Setup of Rules to do anything. Ignored the same rules, then due to that mistake, suddenly the power of that Reactor started increasing. Which are heated during the main work. He became very hot. The scientist wanted to put it in water quickly, but that Fuel Rod had become so hot. The eintire water tank evaporated in a second and went up (Steam or Heat finances build up) and finally it exploded the 4th Reactor. And inside the reactor which is the main part (Core) after being blasted so fast, he left 8 Ton Radioactive Particles in the air. That radioactive cloud had a feverishness, 4 times more than the Hiroshima incident in Japan. Due to the explosion of this one Nuclear Power Plant. More than 50 thousand people lived in the nearest city of Chernobyl as you came to know (Pripyat). After this incident they all had to leave the city and the city named Pripyat is still empty.

Have you ever done a population search of some place in Google and you get 0 views.

If you see the picture of the city of Pripyat right now, you will see a lot of things that have been untouched there for years, as if it is like frozen place those families or used to play here even today. This thing is Radioactive.

When it happened when the scientist went to measure this disaster. How much radiation has spread to the environment? Than was a meter of radiation, it became off scale, then the actual levels were a thousand times more.

Elephant Foot

There is an area in the basement inside that nuclear plant, where there is a lot of nuclear waste, it is so dangerous that if you stand near this area for an hour then there can be immediate death without touching it.

Has been named the Elephant Foot.

The Bridge of Death

The bridge about which people were watching the fire after that incident, unknown to their danger, is also known as Brige of Death, that bridge still exists today.

                 The Bridge of Death

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