What Attraction How To Get What You Want From Anyone You Meet?

Attraction is a very powerful tool to get what you want if you know the right way to use it.

People interact with each other on a daily basis, and most of the time it's because one person needs something from the other. Getting others to do what you want them to do is easy when you know how.

In the business world, for example, you may have a product or service to sell while another person is looking for that product. In order to sell them your product or service, you will need to convince the other person that they will be satisfied with the services you provide according to their needs.

In other words, the way to get someone to do what you want is to make them do it. Trying to get what you want through intimidation or violence is asking for trouble. Yes, it is possible, but it is not recommended to use violent methods, because the results are short-lived and can even be disastrous.

So how do you get others to do what you want? Simple. Give them what they want. This is the secret of attraction. And what is it that people want? Good health, love, and financial security are basic human desires.

But there is one important but the intangible thing that everyone wants more than anything else and that is to be appreciated. When a person is appreciated and praised, they feel important. When you feel important, you feel needed and wanted, and that gives you a reason to exist.

So how do you make someone else feel important? Tell them. Show them. Give appreciation freely, honestly, and without reservation. Saying how much you appreciate a favor received or a job well done will make the other person feel important and respected.

You may not be able to put into words how you feel when you are appreciated when you are the recipient, but you know that what you feel is real and priceless.

To get what you want through attraction, show the other person that doing what you want them to do will make them feel important.

Take charity for example. You want a contribution from a potential donor. Even before the actual act of donation, the donor expects some kind of appreciation from you, and this in turn gives him a sense of importance.

But appreciation doesn't necessarily have to be expressed in words. A smile and a handshake can be sufficient and can come from both you and the giver.

The donor is expressing their sense of appreciation while you are expressing your appreciation for the contribution. There's chemistry going on. It feels like both sides would enjoy it happening many times.

So if you want to get others to do what you want them to do, you must first give them something. Make them feel special, important, and appreciated.

But be aware, your feelings must be real. You have to really appreciate that person as a fellow human being, and not just because they do something for you.

If you truly feel that the person you are interacting with is important and worthy, and you can convey those feelings to that person, you will make them do what you want them to do and feel good about doing it for you.

This is the most effective way to get what you want through attraction.

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