What are You Blogging Effectively?

Maybe "blogging" isn't such a glamorous word. To me personally, it sounds like formulaic drudgery, how the cereal can be soggy, the sky can be hazy, and the mind can be foggy. But for now, it's too late to rename this acronym to web-logging. However, extended blogging is one of the most engaging internet trends of the last few years. As a medium, it gives rise to many new and valuable voices and plays a new and fundamental force in shaping opinions, political realities, trends, and even our language.

I believe that a blog is simply a tool for someone who has something to say. Let me be clear that a blog is a wrong choice for someone who needs a megaphone to shout into cyberspace to elicit a meaningful response from internet users. If you want attention, and you want it now, and you expect blogging to bring it to you, then you're sure to be disappointed. However, if you enjoy writing and engaging others in topics that you have some knowledge or experience with, then this is a great app to communicate with people who share similar interests as you. The hype is well founded.

Anyway, here is a list of blogging tips…

1.) Be current:

Coherence in the message is not optional. Readers may or may not be interested in your topic, but if your message is haphazard, few will bother to remember to come back to your blog because it would essentially offer nothing to remember. That doesn't mean blogs can't jump from subject to subject. For example, a blog with a humor focus has all the freedom in the world for topics, but it would be silly for such a blog to turn humor on and off. In such an example, the humor aspect would be the glue of the content, the strength of the blog. The beauty of staying to the point and topic is that eventually, due to the nature of the internet, you will only find people interested in your topic. (unlike online journals. There are millions of them on the internet, few have any readers. If I'm wrong, email me with examples and I'll show you why you're showing me a blog and not a journal.)

2.) Update your content:

Create a schedule and stick to it. Realize that blogging takes time and effort, don't create unrealistic expectations and not be able to deliver. Occasional downtime or vacations are generally understood, but readers who come back to find outdated, outdated content will find another blog with similar content. New blogs and RSS feeds appear every day. If you've worked hard to develop your audience and community, you don't want to lose them due to a lack of communication.

And remember, what's old isn't new, so it's not interesting for blogs. 2006 is not the time to rail against Enron or Vanilla Ice. Yesterday's news doesn't matter much.

3.) Clear the language counts.

Blessed is a blog with clear logic. Write without inside jokes, catchphrases, or ambiguous logic. The first readers must be close to your message. They are more likely to return to blogs that have a positive impact on them. If the first reading is confusing, the second reading won't be.

4.) Feed the spiders.

Search engines notice active blogs, and blog search engines are particularly sensitive to activity. If nothing else, search engines are smarter today than they were yesterday, and they're only getting smarter. It tries to aggregate quality through continuous improvement; quality blogs are updated several times a week, if not daily, as opposed to once or twice a month. I don't want to scare you, but the big spider is watching, so dance for them.

5.) RSS.

Think of RSS as magic for the blogging world, because that's the effect it's had. RSS feeds are a way to make your voice heard exponentially for your audience. These channels are a great means of increasing the distribution and readership of your original content.

6.) Spell check.

Hey man, use spell check. I do - if I didn't, you probably wouldn't have made it to number 6. It only takes a minute and can save you from looking like a hacker.

Your weblog audience will be small at first. And frankly, that's the way it should be. Who are you to think that half the internet will flock to you after three or four posts on your blog?

If you tighten it up while maintaining quality, readability materializes. You will link to good, relevant blogs and they will link to you. While your voice may be unique, your niche probably isn't, and if your content is broadcast smartly online, those relevant readers will respond through readership and interaction. I guarantee that.

Joseph Pratt

Media analyst



email: [email protected]

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