What are the top 12 causes of High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as it flows through them. The top number, systolic, measures this force when your heart beats and fills up with blood. The bottom number, diastolic, measures this force when your heart rests between beats.

1) Hypertension

If you have hypertension or high blood pressure, you need to be aware that it can lead to a stroke or a heart attack.https://www.ucsfhealth.org/education/risk-factors-for-high-blood-pressure-hypertension


2) Control Over Emotions

To avoid all that trouble, you should watch what you eat and what activities make you lose control over your emotions. Also, try coughing intentionally for 30 seconds a day several times a day; it will help reduce strain on your heart.


3) Genetic

family history If you have a family history of high blood pressure, your risk for this condition is incredibly high, so take all necessary precautions and be aware of what can trigger an attack. https://paidforarticles.com/what-are-the-10-common-causes-of-high-blood-pressure-497360


4) Physical Inactivity

Physical inactivity is a cause of high blood pressure that you can easily avoid. Just do what your parents and grandparents did when they were your age: eat healthily and play sports.https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/hypertension/common-causes-of-hypertension


5) Diet Plan

 Eating a diet rich in salt can lead to high blood pressure or hypertension, so be aware of what you put on the table.


6) Stress

The more stress you have, the higher your risk is for developing this condition, so take time from your busy schedule to relax and unwind yourself from all the daily drama.


7) Dehydration

Dehydration or lack of water consumption is a common cause of high blood pressure that can be easily avoided by drinking a glass of water every day before going to bed.


8) Alcohol

Alcohol consumption, smoking, and other types of drug abuse are severe causes of hypertension. It decreases the overall blood flow throughout the body, thus reducing the oxygenation of organ systems.https://tribune.com.pk/story/842563/top-10-causes-of-high-blood-pressure


9) Emotion

stress or emotional issue is a cause for high blood pressure because it increases your heart rate and interferes with the normal function of the kidneys. Finally, remember that you should immediately schedule a visit to your doctor because hypertension can be a symptom of other health problems such as diabetes.


10) Over Weight

Maintaining an ideal weight will also help reduce your risk for this condition. Get some rest whenever possible, relax, and try deep breathing exercises instead of losing control over your emotions. It will help you lower your blood pressure levels if you exercise regularly, eat healthily and drink plenty of water throughout the day.


11) Negative Thinking

Negative thinking or lack of self-control over what you say and what you do raise blood pressure to a dangerous level, leading to a heart attack. Take a moment from your day and relax, because what will happen if you don't pay attention.


12) Shortage of Sleep

Sleep is essential for a healthy life, so be sure to get at least 6 hours of quality sleep before going to work or school because what happens when you go without enough sleep over long periods is that it begins to affect your overall health negatively,



And remember that if high blood pressure isn't treated on time, it can lead to serious health problems like stroke or heart attack. So make sure to schedule an appointment with a doctor who can check that everything high blood pressure can cause serious health problems if not treated on time.

Remember what you should never do: stress over what you can't control or lose your temper. It's essential to maintain an active lifestyle that includes physical activity daily, like walking or jogging. And always keep in mind what is good for your heart since what you put inside of it will sooner or later affect what happens outside of it.

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