What are the notes of ethnicity? Sociology semester 2nd


The word ethnicity is derived from the Greek word "ethnos" which means people or nation. Ethnicity is a concept which gives identification to people. It helps us to distinguish between people of different religions, languages or regions in a community.

The term ethnicity and ethnic group are often used interchangeably. But there is a minute difference between them.

Ethnic group is a social group based on culture,national origin or ancestry. While ethnicity refers to identification within a ethnic group.

Ethnic group is a group of people who are considered to be the same in some or multiple ways. They may all have the same ancestors, speak the same language or have the same culture and religion. They often live in the same or surrounding area.

India is a diverse country where people of different ethnicity or ethnic group lives. In such a system which is highly segmented and heterogeneous often lead to ethnic conflicts or ethnic movements.

Ethnic conflict arises if ethnic groups compete for the same goal that is notably power access to resources or territory. Ethnic movements are generally the expressions of deprivation and desparities in sharing of privileges

Example: Jharkhand movement was a movement which was fought by a particular tribe against non tribal people for the exploitation of natural resources and subjugation of their culture.

Soon after independence the most powerful manifestation of ethnicity in India was the demand for creation of state on linguistic basis. 

This, the demand for separate state on various accounts like language, religion, culture etc become a part of political scenario like Punjabis Khalsa demand.

Theories of ethnicity 

Over the years, scholars have developed many theories of ethnicity which may be grouped into three schools of thought these are as the following:

1- Primordialist approach

According to this approach, ethnicity is an ascribed identity. It means that ethnicity is something that inherit from one generation to another.

Example: if your ancestors are Indian then you are also Indian because you inherited physical and cultural characteristics from your ancestor.

It also emphasized that ethnicity is fixed and static. It does not changes. If you were born Indian you will be forever Indian. You cannot change your membership to another group.

Primordialist is used to characterize this school of thought because it is stresses the role of Primordial factors, such as lineages and culture ties in determining ethnicity

2- Constructionist theory

Constructionist theory represent another way to define ethnicity. They argued that ethnicity is a socially constructed identity. It means that ethnicity is something which is created through social interaction.

This theory of ethnicity emphasize that ethnic boundaries are flexible and changeable. It is dynamic in nature. It is a reaction to change in social environment.

3- Instrumental approach 

According to instrumentalist approach, ethnicity is a tool or device used by people to achieve their goals because people who share ascriptive or similar characteristics can be effectively organised and mobilize in order to influence public policies.




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