What Are The Dream Interpretation And Types Of Dreams?

Dream researchers have discovered a wide variety of dreams, and these dream categories are of great importance to individuals trying to understand their own dreams and to professional psychologists and therapists trying to understand the dreams of others. May be useful. This article discusses these categories of dreams.


Dream # 1 - Daydream


Although not technically a dream, it does occur when awake, and researchers are looking at where daydreaming is appropriate in the dreaming spectrum and what it can teach us about more traditional dreams.


Most people estimate that 70 to 120 minutes every day is more than daydreaming. Daydreaming is considered to be a lower level of consciousness than a normal waking state, but higher than the level of sleep. Daydreaming comes between these two extremes.


During daydreaming, our imaginations allow us to distract ourselves from the mundane tasks of the day. As the mind is allowed to wander and consciousness decreases, we may get lost in fantasy or imaginary scenes.


Dream: 2 - Dreaming is a dream come true


Clear dreams are one of the most fascinating aspects of all fields of dream research. Clear dreaming occurs when the dreamer realizes that he is dreaming while immersed in the dream. Dream Interpretation is the moment when you tell yourself - "It's just a dream". The incidence of nightmares varies widely from person to person, with some people always having nightmares and others reporting almost 100% clear dreams.


Most dreamers wake up when they realize they are dreaming, while others are able to stay in the dream and develop the ability to control it. These people are able to actively participate in their dreams and dream of where they want to go. These people experience a lot of fun and interesting dreams.

 Dream: 3 - Nightmare


Many people suffer from nightmares and nightmares, commonly known as nightmares. Young children in particular often suffer from nightmares that come with the fear of monsters in their closets and under the bed, as well as other types of fears.


Of course, nightmares are not limited to childhood and many adults, especially those with real life trauma, are particularly susceptible to nightmares. In people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), soldiers returning from war and rescue workers going through traumatic situations, the incidence of nightmares is more likely to be reported than in the general population.


Many people who suffer from recurrent nightmares report a history of real-life problems, including mental health problems, drugs or alcohol problems, or family relationships. Therefore, treatment for recurrent nightmares should be aimed at dealing with the initial injury or trauma that caused the condition in the first place

 Dream: 4 - Repeated dream


Most people have dreams that recur at some point in their lives, a dream that repeats with or without minor changes. Recurring dreams can be about any subject, and they focus on that topic night after night.


Studies show that some recurring dreams are positive and exhilarating, while most recurring dreams are negative in nature. Dreams can be repeated in this way because the real life event that triggered it has not been resolved. Dealing with the real life trauma that causes recurrent nightmares is often the best way to overcome nightmares.


Some dreamers report experiencing narrative dreams in which the dream begins where it left off after the night. These dreams are very rare, but people who have experienced them describe them as very vivid and memorable. Keeping a Dream Journal can be a great help in both remembering and interpreting these types of dreams

 Dream: 5 - Healing Dream


Healing dreams often send a message to the dreamer about his or her health. Healing dreams often trigger dreamers to visit the dentist or doctor too late.


Dream: 6 - Future dream


Prophetic dreams are also known as prophetic dreams, and people who experience these dreams often report the ability to use them to predict the future. Independent study of these types of dreams is very rare, and the jury will be on whether they have this ability to see into the future.


The supernatural interpretation of prophetic dreams is that the subconscious mind connects with each other the information it receives throughout the day, and then puts them into a form that the dreamer can understand.


Dream: 7 - Epic Dream


 Dreams are rare, but for those who experience them, they are unforgettable. Epic dreams are so clear and compelling that they cannot be ignored. The small details of these dreams are often remembered for many years. These epic dreams have many symbols and meanings for the dreamer.

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