What are the causes of a heart attack in the youth nowadays?

Due to lack of exercise and problems related to sugar and blood pressure, problems start happening from an early age: - 


Recently there have been many cases of death of youth due to heart diseases.  .  Some celebrities and sportspersons are also included According to the Indian Heart Association, 50% of heart attacks in Indian men are under 50 and half of them (25% of the total) are under 40.  Research suggests that the risk of heart disease in those who do not exercise is up to 21%.  At the same time, due to diabetes and high BP at a young age, this risk increases to 65%.  Know about the main reasons.


Six main reasons:- 

1 Increasing obesity (waste-hip), consuming more processed food and beverages, and lack of physical activity leads to the problem of diabetes, high BP, and high cholesterol.  These increase the risk of heart attack manifold. 


 2 Not having regular routine, such as not sleeping on time - waking up.  When you wake up late in the morning after going through the night, there is a negative effect on the body.  Due to this, there is a possibility of many diseases including heart disease.  


3 Whatever stress we take, it affects all the major organs of the body by increasing the stress hormones in the body.  Late night use of mobile-laptop and less sleep are also among the reasons. 


 4 Smoking and other intoxicants also cause sudden narrowing and constriction of coronary arteries.  This obstructs blood flow to the heart and can lead to a heart attack.  This is the main reason among the youth. 


 5 Heredity is also a factor.  If a person's father or brother has a heart attack at the age of 55, then there is a possibility of a heart attack in that person too.  Such people be more careful. 


 6 Taking special supplements for bodybuilding can also be a reason.  It also contains products such as anabolic steroids, which directly increase the risk of a heart attack.  That is why the cases of heart attacks have increased in the gym.


Possible symptoms: - Difficulty in breathing, difficulty in breathing when walking or climbing stairs, extreme fatigue, irregular heartbeat, feeling of pressure in the chest after eating, and swelling in the legs can also be symptoms of a heart attack.  Observe these symptoms and consult a doctor immediately.  


Such risks can be reduced: -

 There is a risk of heart disease even by making some changes in the routine.  

1. If you smoke and take drugs, then quit immediately. 


 2. Instead of junk fast food, eat indigenous and seasonal things.  


3. Get good sleep.  Sleeping for 6 to 8 hours reduces the number of stress hormones in the body.  Risk is less.  


4. Do physical activity five days a week.  They control cholesterol levels and reduce stress.  


5. If there is diabetes and high BP then keep them under control.  Keep paying attention to diet and medicines.  


6. People between the ages of 20 and 39 must have their cardiac examination done once every 5 years.  


Those who are genetically predisposed to heart diseases, they should get heart tests done at short intervals.  Keep getting such people checked at an interval of 2-3 years. 


 Also keep this in mind: - 

It is also seen that if a person has a heart attack at an early age, then the risk of attack is high in him even further.  Such people should take medicines and diet on the advice of their doctor.  Also, keep a regular routine.  Stay away from stressful tasks.


Cardiac Arrhythmia:-

 Heart palpitations at a young age- One of the most common causes of sudden stoppage of the heartbeat at a young age is the irregularity of the heartbeat.  This is called cardiac arrhythmia.  Those with other cardiac-related diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, and heart failure are at a higher risk of irregular heartbeats.  This risk increases with age and is higher in men.  Due to this, this type of problem occurs in more than 2% of adults.  In some cases, it is due to heredity.  In some patients, a dilated heart (enlarged heart) or weakness in the heart muscle may also be the cause.  The disease can be identified by pre-testing.  


Treatment and prevention: - 

Along with medicines, some equipment is used.  Also, make lifestyle changes.  Sometimes during cardiac arrest, there is also a need to shock the heart.  Those who already have a problem, take special care.  get regular medical advice.


Symptoms: - 

Simply put, the heart is like an electrical instrument.  There may be fluttering in the chest, mild discomfort in the chest, severe pain, or tightness in the chest.  It may also be accompanied by dizziness or light-headedness.  Weakness and fatigue are also some of its symptoms.


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